Similar questions: feed cat renal failure help gain weight.
I am so sorry to hear your cat is in kidney failure. When one of my cats went into failure my vet prescribed Science Diet k/d, specially formulated for kidney support. My cat liked it, and she did very well on it.
You need to buy it from your vets html.
Thanks. My cat's been on feline k/d for 2 years now. But he's thin as a rail.
I'm also giving him Azodyl, which is supposed to be a renal support holistic med. I was hoping to be able to give him mashed potatoes or some similar starch that might add some calories without compromising his kidneys. Any ideas?
Heddy 2 months ago .
Kathryn, thank you so very much! I'm going out to get some Nutri-Cal right now. Heddy 2 months ago .
You may want to repost that to caseycat, instead of to me ;-) .
Not all cats like it, but if you rub it on the sides of their face, they will lick it off. One of my cats used to love it, and would lick it right off the top of the tube. I called it his "good boy medicine", and he thought it was a special treat, just for him.
The tube says to rub in on the tops of the front feet, but I can tell you, if there are any globs left, they will end up flung onto whatever surface is available, including walls or the sides of furniture. Also, A/D is calorie-dense canned food, although it is not that great for the kidneys. But really, if you cat is really skinny, some of this on occasion may help.
I am presuming that you are giving subQ fluids as well? At any rate, I have had several cat that passed away after years in decline from CRF: they all looked like concentration camp cats, but even after they got to that point, they continued to eat, purr, use the scratching post, and generally enjoy themselves.So as long as they were content, I tried to make every day a good day for them. At that point, they got whatever they wanted to eat; some cats really like vanilla or tapioca pudding, but whatever they wanted, they got.
May have shortened their lifespans a bit, but increased their quality of life.In fact, my cat Lawson, who had multiple problems including FIV, died April 16th from CRF, and he pretty much lived on Temptations treats for about two months. And was happy, playing, sitting in my lap purring, even though he looked like he was on death's door. Finally, he stopped eating even the Temptations, and was no longer interested in his fun activities, and I knew it was time to let him go.
Miss him terribly, and he is my screen-saver now, so I get to see him every day. Katherine .
Thanks so much! I went out and got the Nutrition-Cal, as well as some Gerbers Stage 2 baby meats. Scout seemed to like his K/D so much better with the baby food added.So, hopefully, he'll eat more and gain some weight.
Heddy 2 months ago .
Various manufacturers make a low protein food for cats with renal failure; but this is only a temporary solution. Unless you are willing to spend a small fortune on dialysis (which some people actually do) then your cat's health will fail; and ultimately, you will have to let him go. Good luck.
We lost one of ours a couple years ago, to renal failure. Jpg.
I'm sorry your kitty is so sick. This page is chock full of info. htm.
I cannot face losing him! There must be a way!" "I am going to have to have our cat euthanized soon. She has renal failure and has gone downhill recently.
She's still" "what should I feed my dog with liver failure" "anything to increase your appetite? Any vitamins? Something to help you gain weight fast?
Im so small!" "How can I prepare myself for the death of my cat who has chronic renal failure? She is 15 and my companion 15 years.
I cannot face losing him! There must be a way!
I am going to have to have our cat euthanized soon. She has renal failure and has gone downhill recently. She's still.
What should I feed my dog with liver failure.
Various manufacturers make a low protein food for cats with renal failure; but this is only a temporary solution. Unless you are willing to spend a small fortune on dialysis (which some people actually do) then your cat's health will fail; and ultimately, you will have to let him go. Good luck.
We lost one of ours a couple years ago, to renal failure. TheLightWorks 47 months ago
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.