Bilirubin accumulates in the skin which turns it yellow. The whites of your eyes go bright yellow-orange. This is because the Liver is not putting certain compounds into the gut.
Bowel movements change from brown to chalky yellow-white. These same brown compounds will be in the urine giving it a dark appearance. The skin may also get itchy.
The color itself is not a problem - but it is a strong sign of liver failure or a Gall Bladder problem preventing Bilirubin from the Liver to the gut. Unfortunately liver failure is possibly in an advanced state when Jaundice sets in. Bleeding is common e.g. Of the gums Common symptons of liver failure are: - weak muscles and or muscle seizures, - feeling weak and slow, - itchy skin, - unusual or excessive bleeding, - swollen legs or belly.
A test can be done on the skin to see if the yellowing is caused by excessive Bilirubin buildup. Other tests are abdominal X-Rays, Liver function tests, and Blood tests. Home Anemia testing kits are available from your Pharmacy.
But this is not a sufficent test for diagnosis.
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