What color to paint cabinets? I have a stainless fridge and other appliances are black. Can I paint the cabinets black?

I have a stainless fridge and other appliances are black. Can I paint the cabinets black? Our kitchen is pretty small, but it opens up to the dining room and living room.

My house is mostly darker neutral colors with red accents. I love how black cabinets look, but I'm afraid it will make the room look to small with black appliances. We can't afford new appliances right now.

I don't like how white cabinets look and I hate our golden oak cabinets right now. I'm opened for suggestions. Asked by laughalot 20 months ago Similar questions: color paint cabinets stainless fridge appliances black Home > Home Improvement.

Similar questions: color paint cabinets stainless fridge appliances black.

1 I personally have black walls, white ceiling, and natural hickory cabinets. I've never felt black makes the room look smaller. If you have doubts, maybe get black butcher paper, or something similar, and wrap the cabinets for a test look, or take a digital picture, and photoshop the cabinets black.

I personally have black walls, white ceiling, and natural hickory cabinets. I've never felt black makes the room look smaller. If you have doubts, maybe get black butcher paper, or something similar, and wrap the cabinets for a test look, or take a digital picture, and photoshop the cabinets black.

2 Hmmm, I would go with grey cabinets. We had black cabinets way back in the 80s. Did not look good.

Does make the space feel claustrophobic.

Hmmm, I would go with grey cabinets. We had black cabinets way back in the 80s. Did not look good.

Does make the space feel claustrophobic.

" "Need help deciding what color to paint my cabinets (which are currently cream-colored) to go with new black appliances. " "Need paint color for kitchen walls to match dark evergreen floor tiles. I have white appliances, oak cabinets.

Thanks! " "What color to paint cabinets? Appliances are black, white floor tiles.

Opens to gold living room. New counters after." "What color to paint kitchen? I have white cabinets, black (blue pearl) granite, stainless appliances and hardwood floor" "I am getting Maple Nutmeg cabinets.

I do not know what color appliances to go with. I currently have white appliances. " "What color should I paint my kitchen cabinets and Wall?

" "I have all black appliances, Oak finish hardwood floors and black&White granite counter top. What color cabinets suits? " "what is a light color to paint kitchen cabinets?

" "My cabinets and counters are white. I have decorated in black and red. What color should I paint?

Need help deciding what color to paint my cabinets (which are currently cream-colored) to go with new black appliances.

Need paint color for kitchen walls to match dark evergreen floor tiles. I have white appliances, oak cabinets. Thanks!

Appliances are black, white floor tiles. Opens to gold living room. New counters after.

I have white cabinets, black (blue pearl) granite, stainless appliances and hardwood floor.

I am getting Maple Nutmeg cabinets. I do not know what color appliances to go with. I currently have white appliances.

I have all black appliances, Oak finish hardwood floors and black&White granite counter top. What color cabinets suits?

My cabinets and counters are white. I have decorated in black and red. What color should I paint?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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