What comic book or comic strip character do you think should be adapted into an animated/live-action film?

Alley Oop. I can't believe no one has ever done a movie featuring the intrepid cave man! And it would have to be better than the next - yes, they're doing another one - remake of "A Star Is Born."

Remember that old song? "He rides through the jungle tearin' limbs off of trees, knockin' great big monsters dead on their knees. Alley Oop Oop, Alley Oop......the cats don't bug him 'cause they know better....he's a mean motor-scooter and a bad go getter....Alley Oop Oop, Alley Oop."

That would make such a great movie! I'm sure it would be better than the re-make of "Conan The Barbarian" (minus Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Earl Jones) in 3-D, no less. "....He sure is hep ain't he?

Alley Oop Oop, Alley Oop. " .

Alley Oop the time traveling caveman! Great selection - I'd love to see that! Thanks for yet another outstanding answer!

=) lx102303 2 months ago .

(Finally! Someone who mentions something anime related . )Good answer - thankyou!

=)P.S. May I ask , if you like anime , what anime films or series do you like? Lx102303 2 months ago .

For all I've seen over the last 15 years, you would think more would stand out for me! Movies: "Project Eden," "Ghost in the shell. " Series: "Gunslinger Girl," "Madlax," Stratos 4" (cute girls!), "Kanon" ( more cute girls, weird story, very artistic!

), "I, My, Me! Strawberry Eggs!" (Sounds weird, I know. A male teacher needs a job so he cross-dresses to get one.

One of the best series I've ever seen, though...) .

Thankyou for your reply! Some of your list I've seen . I'm a BIG fan of all things Ghost in the Shell!

You may find Ergo Proxy an engaging anime series (Can there be anything more bizarre than a cyborg praying? ) . Please feel free to recommend other anime films or series that you liked .

I really did appreciate your answer - again , thanks! =) lx102303 2 months ago com/watch? V=MWI97Kg8ur8.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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