You need to chose a great moisturizing conditioner, as well as deep conditioning treatments. As for a moisturizing condition, Pantene is very inexpensive and is great for dry damaged hair. You can find Pantene at most retailers including Walmart and Kmart.
You can pick up a bottle for about $5 or $6. Wash your hair once every other day or once every two days. Once a week, try using a conditioning treatment.
You can find deep conditioner in packets for just a couple dollars each. These are rich and very moisturizing, which is what your hair needs right now. The deep conditioning packets can also be found at retailers on occasion.
You can always find it at beauty supply stores, such as Sally Beauty Supply. Apply to the hair and make sure to distribute evenly, paying close attention to the ends. Leave on for six to ten minutes and then rinse clean.
Try to avoid things that will damage the hair more like thermal tools and chemically processing the hair.
For over the counter, fairly reasonably priced conditioner I would suggest Pantene. It is a nice deep and moisturizing conditioner and the shampoo is great as well. You can find Pantene at most retailers such as Walmart or even Kmart.
You mentioned your hair is damaged. You may want to consider twice a week doing a deep treatment. These deep conditioning treatments are thicker and more moisturizing then conditioner in a bottle, you actually can find treatments in small packets for under $2 each.
You can find them at beauty supply stores and some retailers. Use this once or twice a week. You leave the treatment on for about 6 to 10 minutes and then rinse.
For over the counter, fairly reasonably priced conditioner I would suggest Pantene. It is a nice deep and moisturizing conditioner and the shampoo is great as well. You can find Pantene at most retailers such as Walmart or even Kmart.
You mentioned your hair is damaged. You may want to consider twice a week doing a deep treatment. These deep conditioning treatments are thicker and more moisturizing then conditioner in a bottle, you actually can find treatments in small packets for under $2 each.
You can find them at beauty supply stores and some retailers. Use this once or twice a week.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.