What could have happened to your cat to make it totally go crazy and try to attack you after never doing anything mean to him?

Answer == Certain times of the year a cat can slick it's ears back, go absolutley bonkers and appear that is attacking you, but they are generally frisky. They may even try to give you a quick nip (I call them love bites) but don't take any type of this behavior from your cat. I give my cat a flip on the nose with my fingers to let her know I'm not happy.

Remember, you're the boss of your house and not your cat! == Answer == The above is correct, however if there are any other odd things your cat is doing you may consider a vet appointment. Things like foaming and acting rabid could be an indicator of mental issues.

However it probably is just friskyness, some cats just sometimes like to start fights for no reason also Answer Some cats can get really over sensitive if you stroke their tummies for too long. I read that it's because it becomes a kind of hyper sensitive sexual signal for them (nipples...) and they just got to make you stop! None of my boys are bothered by it but one of my girls really doesn't like having her tummy touched; she'll put up with it for a little while if she's sleepy but there's one particular spot that makes her do her "attack cat" thing - she's very good though and just grabs my hand with her front paws and has a quick gnaw at me.

I'm wondering if some queens get the same after effects from spaying as some women do: adhesions can make your belly really tender and I can't help but think we'd like to do a slash & bite thing occasionally! Answer == One sign of just attacking out of nowhere is that, if you adopted the pet from a shelter, maybe he was beaten while living with his previous owner. Or, he wasn't taken care of properly and is overly sensitive.

That might be one reason Naaahh - Cats just get ticked off sometimes and there is no way to know why. Sometimes they are just playing rough and sometimes they want to attack. Cats are what they are: cute, arrogant, playful, and terrors.

Mine used to wait at the bottom of the stairs and out of the blue he would bite my ankles. Ten minutes later, he would be rubbing up against them. Try and understand a cat and you will make yourself crazy!

Cats need a lot of stimulation, play with them, make sure they have toys and things to do while you are away from home. Set aside time just for your cat, before work, when you get home and before bed. If you cant afford to buy toys, make some.

A ball of tin foil can entertain my cat for hours, wash an old make-up brush and play with them, or put catnip in a sock..my cat lets me know when hes bored by attacking, try playing 'fetch' with your cat. Also, try playing 'hide and seek'. De around a corner and peek out once in a while, let him see you doing this and he/she will stalk and chase you.

This appeals to their natural instinct to hunt and will allow him to feel like he can 'attack.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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