I was helping a friend to search for the best Christmas trees deals available now. There are a few out now and the prices are quite good. Some of them are only sold online while you can get some at the retailer’s local store near you.
Here are some cool offers I came across: *Target. Com: on this website there are several deals and discounts on artificial Christmas trees. There is a 15% discount on the Prelit Alberta Tree Clear Lights - 3' (former price $23, new price, $19.55) If you like Wintergreen Fir trees, There is a $30 discount on Wintergreen Fir - 700 Clear Lights (7.5') *Walmart.Com: on the Wal-Mart online store you would find a lot of Christmas trees at discounted and low prices.
The trees are of different heights, sizes, colors and types. They also differ in prices. There is a Pre-Lit 4 ‘Indiana Green Artificial Christmas tree with Clear Lights for $25 and a 4' LED Oregon Color Changing Christmas tree with Multicolor Lights at $48.
Check out their websites for more deals.
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