What do Chinese people think about Taiwan?

Is this something that is likely to rectify itself over time, only I am not aware of / haven't experienced it in my own dogs. If the meds are working for now and she is able to lead a normal dogs life without pain then I wouldn't proceed with the operation. If the meds are just temporary though and surgery is inevitable, maybe it is better doing it sooner rather than later and you may be doing more damage by prolonging it.

Its definately a tricky one. Have you had a second opinion with another specialist, perhaps in a different area? I work in the NHS and if I have learned one thing is that no two doctors agree on the exact same treatment regime, so I suppose this could also be true for vets.

So, what I would do in your shoes: 1) continue on the meds 2) meanwhile seek a second opinionm then consider your options (especially if they have changes following the 2nd opinion) 3) Seriously consider the outcome from your dogs eyes. Is it better to live the way she currently does, or risk surgery knowing that it may help, but that it also may make it worse.... Is it worth the gamble? Goodluck whatever you decide, in the best interests of your dog.

I'm so sorry! I can't imagine what you're going through! I have four golden retrievers who will all eventually have hip/joint displasure(not sure how to spell it) and I know it's going to be tough on everyone.

I would personally have to say that you should just let her live the rest of her life without having to do the operation because she would be going through all that pain and torture and months of cage rest, and she may be living her last days/months in the cage or in the operation room instead of with you at home. I would just enjoy what you have left with her and be grateful. At least she can somewhat move her legs now, and if you did the operation then there would be a 60% chance that she would never be able to move her legs!

Be grateful for what you have even if it's very little. I know it's going to be hard to watch her struggle to get up and move, but trust me, it's better than nothing. ~But, if she is still in severe pain if you don't do the operation, then I would say to put her down.

You don't want to see your baby in pain like that. :(.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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