I did it a long time ago... I used to have lots of fish and once or twice they had offspring. I used the same kind of food I fed the big ones, I just took a small amount and crushed it very fine with my hands. That worked for me but it was a long time ago, maybe nowadays they have specialized food for offspring..
It is easy to raise guppies the fray can be started on brine shrimp It is easy to raise guppies. The fry are large enough to start off with brine shrimp. You don't have to have a special hatchery for brine shrimp.
I have used 2 liter pop bottle for that. I used a air stone and a air pump to keep the eggs and depending on temps they hatch on 24 to 48 hours. I siphon off what is needed for a feeding.It is better to fed them in small batches several times a day than to try to fed them at oncepeteducation.com/article.cfm?cls=0&cat=1..., a separate aquarium should be used with simple filtration, such as a foam filter with a heater for temperature control.
The pregnant female should be placed in the breeding tank just before she releases the fry. After all of the fry have been released, it's important to remove the female and return her to the main display aquarium. If it's not possible to set up a separate aquarium, there are several drop-in breeders available.
These units include; Fresh Flow Breeding Unit, Aqua-Nursery, Two-Way, Three-Way, Five-Way Breeder, as well as the Fish Net Breeder. Some of these units require an air pump, and they all include easy to follow instructions. From the first day, the fry should be fed a quality food, such as baby brine shrimp.
Baby brine shrimp are available frozen, or you can hatch your own with hatcheries such as the Brine Shrimp Hatchery Kit or the Aqua Breed 200 or 1000. There are also liquid and dried foods available specifically for fry, such as; Liquidfry No.2, Artificial Artemia, and Artificial Rotifera.At this stage in development, it's best to feed the fry small amounts several times a day. Sources: My opinion .
Fish food - but if you aren't careful, the other fish will eat the babies! No to worry, there will be more soon! .
I fed guppy food. I fed species specific food, but found they would eat other foods just as well. What they all really liked were the freeze dried worms.An occasional bug in the aquarium was also a food source since I didn't have a top on the aquarium.
There are foods specially made for guppies. Since I had at least 10 different species in the aquarium; they got food for all species along with the worms. All the fishes thrived and multiplied.
Sources: My aquarium. MontanaBorn54's Recommendations Fancy Guppy Pellets - 0.77 oz. Amazon List Price: $5.49 Guppy Flakes .35oz (6pc) Top Fin; Guppy Food Tropical Fancy Guppy .77oz Guppy Bites 1.4oz Amazon List Price: $4.88 GUPPY FLAKE 1oz Amazon List Price: $9.85 GUPPY FLAKES 1oz Amazon List Price: $12.21 GUPPY MIN 2.65oz Amazon List Price: $16.58 kari Fancy Guppy Food kari Bio-Pure FD Blood Worms Amazon List Price: $9.06 kari Bio-Pure FD Brine Shrimp Amazon List Price: $8.54 Top Fin Bloodworms Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) Brine Eggs - 0.21 oz.
Amazon List Price: $6.75 .
2 I've never added a topic before, so I winged it! I didn't know it would automatically add a comment above for me. I was going to comment anyway, but doesn't my lily look so sweet in PINK?
Sorry, I don't know the answer but just thought food should be a topic! Food for thought? :>} .
I've never added a topic before, so I winged it! I didn't know it would automatically add a comment above for me. I was going to comment anyway, but doesn't my lily look so sweet in PINK?
Sorry, I don't know the answer but just thought food should be a topic! Food for thought? :>}.
" "when can I move baby convice fish to a new tank.
When can I move baby convice fish to a new tank.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.