When you read the Declaration of Independence signed in Congress on July 4, 1776, What emotions, if any, does it bring to you?. Are there things said in it that could relate to things today?. Do you see anything in it that our Government is doing to our people that they fought against then?.
What are your feelings? Read the full text at archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declarati... Asked by LostInUSA 41 months ago Similar questions: feel United States America read Declaration Independence Society > story.
Similar questions: feel United States America read Declaration Independence.
I am a history dork, so maybe I am in the minority, but it still gives me goosbumps to read : ) I still get Goosebumps when I read the Declaration of Independence. I also think it is sad that so many in this generation lose site of where we came from. The apathy is so rampant that it is scary and sad at the same time.
I read somewhere that 40% of America couldn't even point out Vice President Cheney in a lineup. Not saying you have to agree with the guy, but its good to at least know what he looks like! It really is terrible how many Americans do not even have a clue about the very basics of our history.
Perhaps public education institutions need to do a better job of finding more creative ways to get the students interested. At any rate, as far as things that your Government might be doing that goes against what they fought to protect, excessive taxation, and taxation without representation come to mind. It seems taxing and government spending has spun way out of control in this country, and that is one of the biggest things our founding fathers fought against with Brittan before the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.
Sources: personal opinion .
Opinion (1) It is a very fiery document. Strong, but not hateful. It brings pride to the fore.(2) There are many things that relate to the world today.
There are many things which do not apply to the current world (since the Declaration is static, unlike the Constitution, it must be "of the era")(3) I think the founding fathers would disagree with some of the things the current government does, but fundamentally I think they would work within the system to try and improve things. Sources: archives.gov/exhibits/charters/declarati... .
1 Those men had wisdom that has been lost somewhere along the way by our current politicians.
Those men had wisdom that has been lost somewhere along the way by our current politicians.
2 Our founding Fathers would be shocked at our country today.
Our founding Fathers would be shocked at our country today.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.