I think she is beautiful and her new hair color is great. I don't think she can do any wrong when selecting a color for her hair, she would be beautiful with any color hair.
I think Kim K looks awesome! A little Beyonce like, but overall great. Granted when you are as beautiful as she is, you would have polka-dotted hair and still look amazing.
I wonder if it has anything to do with her split from Reggie Bush? Out with the old, in with the new?
It looks great and adds a little sexiness to her. And it also hides the fact that her face is slightly asymmetrical. But in some of the pictures of her in blond, she looks a tad like Daisy de la Hoya from Daisy Of Love (eww).
It looks good, but I do not have a thing for unnatural hair color!
She looks kind of like J-Lo with the blonde hair. With the darker hair she does look more exotic and it looks a lot more natural. Either way though she is a beautiful women.
She's looking a little JLo'ish...but a change never hurts a girl especially after a break-up.
Personally I think she looks hotter with her darker hair. Makes her look more exotic!
I'm glad to see is a muted blonde and not a strikingly platinum type. What she has done is fine as long as she doesn't decide to go any lighter. As my mother used to say, blondes are cute and pretty to look at and many men prefer blondes, but the right brunette (such as Kardashian) will have that dark, mysterious, sultry, sexual, exotic, ultra-beautiful look that no blonde could ever match.So, I think either way she is beautiful, as long as she doesn't go any lighter.
I love it! It is always a good thing to make a change and this change on her is Beautiful. She is a very pretty women and the hair change could almost be passed as a natural.
Neither of these photos show Ms Kardashian from her best angle. With what she's got going on downstairs, she could dye her hair purple and still be incredibly hot. Of course, she's got that in common with Beyonce', too.
Both look ok, but of those pics, I think she looks better with the dark hair.
She looks a lot older, maybe too old. The brown hair was a much fresher and younger look for her. She should have kept it the way it was.
She looks good either way, but I prefer the natural color :-).
She's so beautiful with her naturally dark hair, and it is so unnatural lightened. Why be someone you are not - when you've got what she's got? It is a change, and it has garnered her even more attention and she just can't look really bad - but I don't think she's as beautiful as before.
Luckily she can go back to her natural tresses, once her hair grows out.
I like her new hair color. She is very attractive with her new look.
She looks kind of like J-Lo with the blonde hair. With the darker hair she does look more exotic and it looks a lot more natural. Either way though she is a beautiful women.
She looks kind of like J-Lo with the blonde hair. With the darker hair she does look more exotic and it looks a lot more natural. Either way though she is a beautiful women.
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