Perhaps, yes, or may be not. You'd be better off giving off more details here. Still, I'd give my best shot.
Besides this time, has he taken you out before, maybe not to a proper movie followed by dinner date, but something similar, even goofy? If yes, and you think he has been trying to ask you out to "that" level slowly, let it grow at his own pace. Also, how was his behavior at the date?
Was he a little bit nervous, or very okay with you? If he was nervous and tried to take care of every little need of yours, then he may need more time (may be one or more such dates? ) to come out with his feelings.
If he was super comfy and treated you as a friend on an outing, there probably is nothing to read into it more than that. He is just being friends. Or he has confused feelings about you and is testing the waters.
I'd say, take it slow, as he is. That way it is a win-win for you. Since you don't get involved one-sided with him early on, it will save you from mush hurt.
And, in case he was being friends only, you are cool with that. Alternatively, if he has feelings for you, he'd come through in sometime if you are fairly (but not overwhelmingly) receptive to his moves. Conclusion: Take it slow and see where it goes, not hanging on looking for his next move.
Best, Browneyed.
Sometimes a hug is just a hug. If he's a friend and treats you to dinner and a movie, enjoy it and go home. Of course he was being just a friend.
Question is, were you hoping for something to happen to change the friendship. When he seems more interested in the kitten in your cleavage than how your day was or starts flipping olives down your shirt during dinner, that's when to wonder if he's got something else on his mind.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.