What does it mean when I feel light headed dizzy weak and sick all the time..what do I do?ER say nothingswrong?

ER say nothingswrong Asked by cunningham 6 days ago Similar questions: feel light headed dizzy weak sick time ER nothingswrong Health > Healthcare.

Similar questions: feel light headed dizzy weak sick time ER nothingswrong.

There still may be something wrong, seek out another doctor who can will do additional testing. I have had some symptoms similar to your's that the ER could not help me with, I saw an internist, than a gastrointestinal specialist. I had a tumor in the upper part of my stomach which was interfering with the flow of blood to my heart when I moved in certain directions, therefore causing my symptoms.So please seek out another doctor.

Your symptoms need to be addressed with additional testing. No one can address your issues online, you need to be seen by someone who can do a more detailed medical history and can send you to the right specialist to find the cause of you symptoms. I wish you well.

Thank you for your honesty and help I will look for a different doctor and let you know what happens. Once again thank you. Cunningham 5 days ago .

Ditto cassy53, find another doctor, and another and another until you get an answer, don't give up, someone will figure it out.

I hope so..because its to the point where I cant even eat without feeling sick or dizzy..and I don't have health insurance. So right now im looking at a 3 thousand and up dollar medical bill that I cant afford..please help.. cunningham 5 days ago .

And like I said before the doctors cannot find anything cunningham 5 days ago .

Go to your county hospital or clinic, they can't turn you away, and they charge on a sliding scale, or can advise you about county programs, maybe Medicaid etc.

" "I am headed to Kokomo, IN next week. What is there to do in my free time? " "I have been feeling dizzy and with vertigo for a long time, but it has gotten worse, now is almost everyday, usually wh" "Left side numb& weak, felt lost & dizzy" "Have you any personality flaws you can admit to and talk about?

Impatient, irritable,hard-headed,weak, lazy, ...." "while on my period I fell weak, dizzy, lightheaded, and it sometimes makes it hard for me to break; why?" "How do you feel when you get a weak or an awful score? " "is it normal to feel so tired and sort of weak before and also during your period? " "I have been in my period for a mouth .

Lately I been feeling weak in the mornings dizzy,eyes abnormal. What can I have?

I am headed to Kokomo, IN next week. What is there to do in my free time?

I have been feeling dizzy and with vertigo for a long time, but it has gotten worse, now is almost everyday, usually wh.

I have been in my period for a mouth . Lately I been feeling weak in the mornings dizzy,eyes abnormal. What can I have?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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