Typically from what I heard and from what I found from research, small, kind, and cute dogs are definitely more suitable for the elderly than the bigger dogs, for obvious reasons, if small dogs get sick, it will be easier for an elderly person to take the dog to the vet. Also, smaller dogs are not as aggressive so they do not scare the elderly as much. Also, because elderly people are looking for companion and friendship, it is much better if you have a small, cute, and friendly dog by your side.
Here are the specific kinds of dogs I suggest to you. Schnauzer. The standard and miniature schnauzer are wonderful pets for seniors.
They are super cute, and they are eager to please and to keep his family safe, easy to take care of, easy to maintain, and they love human companionship.
Scottish terrier. This working dog from the Scottish ghlands weighs around 15 to 20 pounds. They may not be the prettiest kind of dog ever, but they are very loyal and easy to train.
Yorkshire terrier. The Yorkie is a tiny dog, it doesn't need a lot of exercise, and, although cute, can be extremely lazy at times. Cocker spaniel.
The popular cocker with his curly hair and sad eyes is a good choice for seniors. It just needs some basic exercise, otherwise it is not very hard to take care of. Welsh corgi.
At about 25 pounds, the Pembroke Welsh corgi is a popular pet. It is stocky, healthy, and does not cause trouble. American Eskimo.
Descended from the German "Spitz" line of dogs, the American Eskimo was bred from ancient times to watch over people and property. The Eskimo is a small- to medium-sized dog that bonds closely with his family and tends to distrust strangers.Chihuahua. The Chihuahua is a small dog with a big bark.
He will bark vigorously when someone approaches, a perfect watchdog!Pekingese. This is a Chinese dog, it looks extraordinary funny and is bound to cause laughs. The Pekingese is a bold, regal toy dog that is extremely loyal.
A natural guardian and lap dog, the Peke needs regular grooming though, which may not be a good thing.
rusticgirls.com/animals/best-dog-breeds-.... Smaller dogs also tend to need less exercise. Thrive on attention.
A puppy may need energy to train may be rowdy. Of the breeds the Pomeranian looks like an interesting choice paws.ie/petsandelderly.html A dog can motivate a person to keep going, get up in the morning and follow a routine. Opportunity to nurture Paws will match dogs with owners.
Homing program find suitable owners for dogs in shelters.
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