Kennel cough also known as tracheobronchitis is a very contagious dog disease of the respiratory tracts, caused by both viruses and bacteria. It is passed from one animal to the other when a healthy dog comes in contact with an infected dog. The illness is spread faster by air from the droplets of a dog’s sneeze or cough.
When a dog is infected with the disease, it should be quarantined and kept away from other house pets. Although it is a canine disease, it can also be passed to cats and other house pets. And if not treated well , could lead to pneumonia.
Kennel cough can be treated with the use of Antibiotics and cough suppressants. The antibiotics are used to take care of the bacteria or virus causing the problem and the Cough suppressants are used if the cough just dry. But the best way to keep your dog free from all diseases is by vaccinating it for canine adenovirus, parainfluenza, distemper, and Bordetella.
Also known as tracheobronchitis, Kennel Cough is a respiratory problem found in the United States that affects dogs. It is contracted from other dogs especially young puppies. If your dog is vaccinated with the regular 5-way or 7-way vaccine , the dog is probably already protected.
Often brought on by more than one organism, it is very contagious and is usually caused by parainfluenza virus and can last around up to 6 days. Taking your dog to the vet may depend on the symptoms. Symptoms include, nasal discharge and a cough often with retching.
If the case is mild, the dog will continue to eat, if it is more harsh symptoms may include lethargy, fever, pneumonia, and in very severe cases, even death. The diagnosis will come from evaluation of recent contact with other dogs and the symptoms that the dog is displaying. Blood tests can be taken however they are not routinely done.
A cough medicine may be used to help with the symptoms and an antibiotic may or may not be given in the more mild cases. Antibiotics are more often used in the severe cases. With the severe cases cough medicines are not usually given due to the need to get rid of the excess infected fluids.
One thing that may help with the dogs cough is to have him or her wear a harness instead of a neck collar.
Kennel cough is an upper respirtory infection in dogs. Kinda similar to a regular cold in human being. It can range in severity depending on the dog's previous health and their age.
There are a couple of ways to cure it at home. Vaporizing a room(i.e. With the steam from a hot shower) letting it breathe the steam in for 20 minutes works, also giving the dog wet food in case they have any throat irritation.My vet also recommended taking off the collar to alleviate internal coughing.
Hope this helps! :o).
I work at a vet clinic and we see many dogs with kennel cough. This upper respiratory infection is very contagious to all dogs especially young puppies. Whenever a dog comes in and leaves, everywhere the dog went had to be sanitized with bleach.
There is a vaccine for this disease, the bordetella vaccine can help prevent kennel cough. It is mostly recommended for households with multiple dogs, or dogs that travel to other places where it can encounter other dogs such as parks, beaches, or pet stores. It is always mandatory for your dog to get the vaccine before bording at a vet clinic or pet boarding, if it isn't then I would not recommend you let your dog stay there because many dogs have and spread the disease throughout its life.
If your dog already contracted the disease then it is important to treat him right away. There are some homeopathic solutions that are a little cheaper than a visit to the vet but if it becomes severe a visit to the vet is important. One thing you can do at home to help is use a head collar or harness instead of a neck collar to relieve some pressure off the throat.
Soft or wettend food also helps with the irritation on the dogs throat as well as letting your dog in the bathroom with you when you take a shower to breath in the steam which helps with congestion. The first thing you should do is seperate him from any other dogs for quite sometime. Even when the disease has run its course your puppy can continue to shed and spread the bacteria for 6-14 weeks.
Depending on the severity and type of disease antibiotics may be used. Aminophylline or other cough suppressents can be used for mild cases. In more severe cases where the animal is not eating, running a fever, or showing signs of pneumonia, antibiotics are often used.In moderate or severe cases, veterinary care should be instituted, as the resultant pneumonia could become life threatening if not treated properly and promptly.
*People with weak immune systems such as children can be affected by kennel cough.
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