What happened on 25 february 1937?

The date of death of Guy Newall the birthdate of Paulette Frankl the birthdate of Yegor Stroyev the birthdate of Bob Schieffer the birthdate of Tom Courtenay the birthdate of Severo Sarduy the birthdate of Arnold Skolnick the birthdate of Frances Steiner the birthdate of Freddy Glick the birthdate of Reuven Ramaty the birthdate of Art Powell the birthdate of Gyula Zsivótzky the birthdate of Don Randi the birthdate of Joseph Hone the birthdate of Barbara Piasecka Johnson the birthdate of Robert Griffiths the date of death of George Darby the birthdate of Walter Wegmüller the founding date of ABC Western Victoria the date of death of Archibald Keightley Nicholson.

The birthdate of Art Powell the birthdate of Art Powell, the American footballer, educated at San José State University the birthdate of Gyula Zsivótzky the birthdate of Gyula Zsivótzky (February 25 1937 - September 29 2007), the retired Hungarian athlete who competed in hammer throw the birthdate of Don Randi the birthdate of Don Randi, the American keyboard player, bandleader and songwriter the birthdate of Joseph Hone the birthdate of Joseph Hone (born 1937), the writer of the Spy Novel the birthdate of Barbara Piasecka Johnson the birthdate of Barbara Piasecka Johnson (born as Barbara Piasecka on February 25, 1937 in Poland), the humanitarian, philanthropist, art connoisseur and collector and widow of J. Seward Johnson, Sr the birthdate of Robert Griffiths the birthdate of Robert B. Griffiths, the American physicist at Carnegie Mellon University the date of death of George Darby the date of death of George William Darby, the professional baseball player the birthdate of Walter Wegmüller the birthdate of Walter Wegmüller (born February 25, 1937), the Swiss painter and musician the founding date of ABC Western Victoria the founding date of ABC Western Victoria (call sign: 3WV), the ABC Local Radio station in the Wimmera region of Victoria, Australia the date of death of Archibald Keightley Nicholson the date of death of Archibald Keightley Nicholson (1871-1937), the English 20th century ecclesiastical stained-glass maker.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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