What happened on 27 april 1969?

The date of death of Clifford C. Furnas the birthdate of Ian Coggins the birthdate of Michael Krasnow the birthdate of Maria Fernandes the birthdate of Valerio Fiori the birthdate of Francine McRae the birthdate of Grahame Cheney the birthdate of Shigeru Aoyama the birthdate of Bira the birthdate of Kevin McKendree the date of death of Cloyd H. Marvin the birthdate of Stas Mikhaylov the birthdate of Larry Levin the date of death of Álvaro Gaspar Pinto the birthdate of Brett Steven the birthdate of Ken Kirkwood the date of death of Roman Smal-Stocki the birthdate of Ermal Tahiri the date of death of Erkki Kataja the date of death of Joseph Quick the birthdate of Tyrone Rodgers the date of death of René Barrientos the birthdate of Mica Paris.

The birthdate of Maria Fernandes the birthdate of Maria Fernandes, the Paralympian athlete from Portugal competing mainly in category T38 sprint events the birthdate of Valerio Fiori the birthdate of Valerio Fiori (born April 27, 1969 in Rome), the Italian goalkeeper who plays for Serie A club A.C. Milan the birthdate of Francine McRae the birthdate of Francine McRae, the softball player from Australia, who won a bronze medal at the 1996 Summer Olympics the birthdate of Grahame Cheney the birthdate of Grahame Francis ("Spike") Cheney (born April 27, 1969 in New South Wales), the Australian boxer, who won a light welterweight silver medal at the 1988 Summer Olympics the birthdate of Shigeru Aoyama the birthdate of Shigeru Aoyama, the Japanese former volleyball player who competed in the 1992 Summer Olympics the birthdate of Bira the birthdate of Ubiraci Ferreira dos Santos, commonly known as Bira, (born 27 April 1969 in São João de Meriti), the former Brazilian footballer the birthdate of Kevin McKendree the birthdate of Kevin McKendree, the American electric blues pianist, keyboardist, guitarist, singer, and songwriter the date of death of Cloyd H. Marvin the date of death of Cloyd Heck Marvin, the longest serving president of George Washington University, from 1927 to 1959, and the then-youngest American university president from 1922-7 at the University of Arizona the birthdate of Stas Mikhaylov the birthdate of Stanislav Vladimirovich Mikhaylov, better known as Stas Mikhaylov, the popular Russian singer and songwriter, Meritorious Artist of the Russian Federation; laureate of Golden Gramophone Award the birthdate of Larry Levin the birthdate of Larry Levin (born April 27, 1969), the American businessman and the president and CEO of Secrets of Traders and Trading Advantage headquartered in Chicago, Illinois the date of death of Álvaro Gaspar Pinto the date of death of Álvaro Gaspar Pinto, the Portuguese footballer who played as a defender the birthdate of Brett Steven the birthdate of Brett Andrew Steven (born April 27 1969, in Auckland, New Zealand), the tennis player from New Zealand the birthdate of Ken Kirkwood the birthdate of Kenneth William Kirkwood (born April 27 1969 in Kingston, Ontario, Canada), the Canadian bioethicist the date of death of Roman Smal-Stocki the date of death of Roman Smal-Stocki -, the Ukrainian diplomat, scholar, politic the birthdate of Ermal Tahiri the birthdate of Ermal Tahiri, the Albanian international footballer who played as a midfielder for a number of clubs in Albania and Greece the date of death of Erkki Kataja the date of death of Erkki Olavi Kataja (born June 19, 1924 - died April 27, 1969), the Finnish athlete, who competed mainly in the pole vault the date of death of Joseph Quick the date of death of Joseph Quick, the United States Navy coxswain who received the Medal of Honor for rescuing his USS USS Yorktown shipmate, Machinist's Mate Second Class Walenty Wisnieroski, from drowning on April 27, 1902 in port in Yokohama, Japan the birthdate of Tyrone Rodgers the birthdate of Tyrone Dworin Rodgers, the former American football defensive tackle in the National Football League who played for the Seattle Seahawks the date of death of René Barrientos the date of death of René Barrientos Ortuño (born on May 30, 1919 in Cochabamba Department, Bolivia; died there on April 27, 1969), the former vice-president (1964) and president of Bolivia (1964-66 and 1966-69) the birthdate of Mica Paris the birthdate of Mica Paris (born Michelle Wallen on April 27 1969 in London, England), the English singer.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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