What happened on 6 december 1921?

The date of death of Said Halim Pasha the birthdate of George Beurling the date of death of Félix Arnaudin the birthdate of Otto Graham the birthdate of Danica Seleskovitch the date of death of Jesse Carleton the date of death of Robert E. Moore the birthdate of Nobuo Matsunaga the birthdate of Luis Cuenca the birthdate of Mostafa Mokri the date of death of Olin Wellborn the birthdate of Klemens Behler the birthdate of Joe Edwards the birthdate of Colin Jackson the birthdate of Piero Piccioni the birthdate of Khalil Abi-Nader the birthdate of Malik M'Baye the birthdate of Tom Patsalis the date of death of Jorge Boonen.

The date of death of Olin Wellborn the date of death of Olin Wellborn (June 18, 1843 - December 6, 1921), the U.S. Representative from Texas the birthdate of Klemens Behler the birthdate of Klemens Behler, the Obersturmführer in the Waffen-SS during World War II the birthdate of Joe Edwards the birthdate of Joe Edwards (December 6 1921-February 8 2007), the American comic book artist best known for creating Archie Comics' mischievous little-girl character Li'l Jinx while working in the industry for over 65 years the birthdate of Colin Jackson the birthdate of George Colin Jackson (6 December 1921 - 19 April 1981), the British Labour Party politician, barrister, lecturer and writer the birthdate of Piero Piccioni the birthdate of Piero Piccioni (Turin, December 6 1921 - Rome, July 23 2004), the Italian pianist, organist, conductor, composer, and prolific author of more than 300 film soundtracks the birthdate of Khalil Abi-Nader the birthdate of Khalil Abi-Nader, the Maronite Catholic bishop of Beirut the birthdate of Malik M'Baye the birthdate of Malik M'Baye, the French athlete who specialises in the triple jump the birthdate of Tom Patsalis the birthdate of Tom Patsalis, the American track and field athlete the date of death of Jorge Boonen the date of death of Jorge Boonen Rivera (1858-1921), the general and Commander-in-chief of the Chilean Army.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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