What happened on 8/7/1938?

The date of death of Eric Mjöberg the publication of Marie Antoinette the publication of Rollin' Plains the birthdate of Vojtech Masný the birthdate of Bill Spanswick the birthdate of Gábor Koncz the birthdate of Bob Alcivar the birthdate of Andrey Myagkov the birthdate of Jerry Belson the birthdate of Élie Hoarau the birthdate of Roger Palin the birthdate of Ragnar Arnalds the birthdate of Diane Clare the birthdate of Paul Cronin the birthdate of Julia Carson the birthdate of Charles Plott the birthdate of Jacques Desrosiers the birthdate of David Ward the date of death of Joseph Whitehead the date of death of Tony Chebatoris the publication of Fast Company.

The birthdate of Roger Palin the birthdate of Air Chief Marshal Sir Roger Hewlett Palin KCB, OBE, MA, the former senior Royal Air Force commander the birthdate of Ragnar Arnalds the birthdate of Ragnar Arnalds (born July 8, 1938), former Icelandic MP and twice cabinet minister the birthdate of Diane Clare the birthdate of Diane Clare, the actor, a star in Murder on the Campus and The Plague of the Zombies the birthdate of Paul Cronin the birthdate of Paul Cronin (born July 8, 1938), the Australian actor who shot to fame playing motorcycle policeman Gary Hogan in the Crawford Productions drama Matlock Police (1971-1975) the birthdate of Julia Carson the birthdate of Julia M. Carson (born Julia May Porter on July 8, 1938), Member of the United States House of Representatives for the birthdate of Charles Plott the birthdate of Charles Plott, born in 1938, the American economist the birthdate of Jacques Desrosiers the birthdate of Jacques Desrosiers, the Québécois singer and actor best known for playing the clown Patof in the Canadian television series Patofville the birthdate of David Ward the birthdate of David Ward, the president of the American Council on Education from September 2001 to September 2008 the date of death of Joseph Whitehead the date of death of Joseph Whitehead, the Representative from Virginia the date of death of Tony Chebatoris the date of death of Anthony Chebatoris (1898 - 1938), the only person executed for a capital crime in Michigan since it became a state in 1837 the publication of Fast Company the publication of Fast Company, the 1938 movie directed by Edward Buzzell.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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