What happened to Cleopatra after ceaser died?

After Caesar died, Cleopatra hurried back to Egypt to make sure her authority was secure. Nothing happened to her. She remained on the throne with the legions that Caesar had left there protecting her interests.

It looks like this article was vandalized by a practical joker, as internal inconsistencies alerted me that Cleopatra (said early in the article to have had "four children, one by Caesar (Caesarion) and three by Antony (Cleopatra Selene II, Alexander Helios, and Ptolemy Philadelphus)") was rather unlikely to have had TEN surviving children. And even more unlikely to have had nine of them with Antony -- all of whom "were spared and taken back to Rome" -- in the limited time Cleopatra and Antony had together! I spent a couple of hours trolling through reputable sources, and not one of them mentions the "nine children" business; they all stick to the known offspring with Antony -- the twins, and Philadelphus.

I also note that of the links given in the "Issue" sidebar -- to Caesarion, Alexander Helios, Cleopatra Selene II, Ptolemy Philadelphus, Tryphanea, Berenice, Ptolemy Philometor, Ptolemy Philopater, Antiochus, and Mithridates -- only the first four go to pages on children of Cleopatra. I'm removing the other children as spurious. And rightly so.

The first Portuguese-spoken movie about Cleopatra was Cleópatra Sétima (Cleopatra the Seventh), directed and produced by Julio Bressane. Although the movie was presented, out of competition, in the 64th Venice International Film Festival, it will be only released commercially in 2008. In this version, filmed and produced in Brazil, Cleopatra is played by the Brazilian actress Alessandra Negrini.

The article still contains inconsistent information on the number of Cleopatra's children. The introduction says "In all, Cleopatra had four children", which according to the "Nine children?!" section above appears to be correct. However, the section on Cleopatra and Marc Antony says "He and Cleopatra had four more children, including Ptolemy Philadelphus".

Cleopatra had all in all four known children: Caesarion with Julius Caesar; the twins Alexander (Helios) and Cleopatra (Selene), and finally Ptolemy Philadelphus with Marcus Aurelius. The following page (look under Cleopatra VII) is probably the best online resource for the Ptolemies. This fact is by no means contested, it is well known.

What kind of water did cleopatra use to take her bath? Ancient sources like Plutarch mention that she was not actually physically attractive as we tend to think today, but she had a very charming personallity, she was a capturing speaker, very pleasant as a person and a character. I believe all debates on whether she used this or that beauty tip have no ground.

I was looking at the article and noticed that it completely avoids the subject of what happened to her body after she died. Octavian supposedly allowed Cleopatra a traditional burial to appease the Alexandrians. She was said to be interred with Antony, but the location of the tomb (and likely that of many other Ptolemaic monarchs) was lost over time.

A popular theory is that the tomb sunk to the bottom of the Alexandrian harbor with the majority of the royal quarters during a series of earthquakes centuries ago, but no one truly knows for certain.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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