I work for a company that does quite a few of the Helicopter Tours out of Las Vegas. The cost of the tour is heavily dependent on how much time you spend in the air, and what inclusions you want with the tour. If you are booking and paying from somewhere in the United States, I suggest you check out our AllLasVegasTours.Com website.
On the left hand side of the page, you should see a column of options for how you can narrow your search, I recommend clicking on the "Helicopter Tours" and you should see everything we offer out of Las Vegas. If you are booking from somewhere Internationally, I recommend you check our Viator.Com website. The Viator.
Com website can bill you in one of five currencies (USD, CAD, AUD, EUR, and GBP), and can be translated in to several languages.In order to find the Las Vegas tours on Viator. Com, please look again on the left hand side of the page, where you see a box called "Find Things to Do", select USA as your country, and Las Vegas as your city, then just hit go. After the Las Vegas tours are pulled up, look to the right, and you'll see options for limiting your search, must like on Las Vegas tours.
Just because we do offer a host of Helicopter Tours from Las Vegas, I will let you know that our most popular tour is called the All American. The All American is usually around $296.99 per person payable at the time of booking, with a $40.00 security fee due on arrival. With that, you get limo service from your hotel to the Heliport, a 45 minute flight to the canyon, a champagne picnic at the basin of Grand Canyon West, a 45 minute flight back to Las Vegas, and drop off back at your hotel.
Here are the two links, if you need them: http://www.alllasvegastours.com/Body.asp?tour=LAS-H0026&Page=TourDetails http://www.viator.com/tours/Las-Vegas/Grand-Canyon-All-American-Helicopter-Tour/d684-2280AAHT I hope I was able to answer your question! If you have any other questions about Helicopter tours in Las Vegas, please feel free to write us at support@thereservationscenter. Com, we'll be happy to help you out!
- Loryanna Michalek The Reservations Center Customer Service.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.