What innovative new websites have the most engaged users?

According to fastcompany. Com, aside from well known sites such as Facebook and Twitter, listed below are the most innovative websites: 1. Salesforce, this site is a combination of "part sales management tool, part developer platform, and part mashup of public and private customer-insight data."

The site is the leading company that helps monitor "sales hordes and win business. " 2. Wolfram Alpha, this innovative site has revolutionize the way people search the web."Wolfram Alpha presents expert answers from databases around the Web, and it is capable of complex visual modeling, such as comparing stock and economics data.

3. Ustream, one of its innovative features is "a pay-per-view service and its Social Stream feature, which allows users to post video comments as status updates on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and AIM, Ustream has become the go-to place to broadcast live events." 4. Zillow, this is a website where "home owners, buyers, sellers, renters, and assorted real-estate professionals" are joined, interact and exchange information.

One of its featured iPhone app is the Zestimate."Zestimate" algorithm that appraises property values, an iPhone app that overlays housing prices onto Google Maps, and a revamped listings page that includes rentals. 5. Slide, a new company which can be identified as "hybrid new-media studio that works with the likes of AT&T, Ashton Kutcher's Katalyst, Nestlé, Publicis, and Starbucks to create commercials dolled up as entertainment.

The rush to touch computing via the Ipad, Iphone, and Android platforms will likely change how the web is used. Google Wave (and the public Buzz platform) will likely be employed. Apple's NFC ticketing platform could be a killer application for public events and crowd management.

Studies suggest that females consume much more mobile content so this is also a growing area which will cause mobile platforms to be more popular. Just as how many people don't have land lines any more many won't have traditional PC's.. Augmented reality applications will allow people to get information about items around them from their phone and mobile devices. Like touch computing surface computing will also be big.

Crowd sourcing such as what is done here on Mahalo could also become more popular.

Two websites come to my mind with the most engaged users. One is a paid to click site called neobux. Com It is very very popular and the other one is what we are in at present mahalo.Com, a top growing community.

I think DuckDuckGo has a lot of engaged users right now as a new search engine, as there are a lot of people who are interested in private searching the Internet. Another site would Evernote, as it has a lot of people who are interested in documenting things and taking notes on the go. They have a pretty dedicated user base as well.

Coupon sites such as Groupon who send out a daily coupons has engaged its users. Lastly, gaming sites and gaming networks generally have engaged users. There are a few gaming websites that are new, and sites like Zynga have engaged an audience.

You can't have a question like this without including the "underground" type sites out there. Everyone knows the big players like digg and slahdot but the most innovative sites out there are the ones that offend everyone imaginable in one single page. Some of these would be any of the "chan" sites or forums for sites like Something Awful and eBaum's world.

Those guys get the weirdest most obscure news first and the communities can be extremely tight. They even work together to protest things they don't like such as Scientology or specific people.

Three websites, I believe have an engaging format for users who like to communicate their knowledge. Each allow users to write their answers opinions, plus you get paid for doing it. They allow your writers to build their skills, while letting other read their work.

helium.com mahalo.com associated.com allows people to write articles. Hope this helps.

If you like video games, N4G is a website that has tons of engaged users. In fact, I'm a big user of the site myself. Also, Meodia.Com is another gaming site that is quickly growing.

Here's the links to the sites. n4g.com/ meodia.com.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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