Adobe Dreamweaver is a web development application or software that web designers and developers can use to build or create high standard websites. The software was formerly known as Macromedia Dreamweaver because it was originally created by Macromedia, but it got a name-change in 2005 when Adobe systems bought it from them. Adobe Dreamweaver is available for both users of windows and Mac operating systems.It is made up of some useful features which includes; *Features that help you design your site visually, such as Adobe BrowserLab integration, CSS starter pages, Dreamweaver Site Definition dialog box and an Integrated CMS support.
*Features for web applications, such as PHP custom class code hinting, Adobe Fireworks, Illustrator, Photoshop Extended, and a lot of others. Adobe Dreamweaver also support for CSS, JavaScript, ASP and PHP.
Adobe's Dreamweaver is far more than a simple HTML editor and supports a great number of scripting language like PHP, ASP, CSS and many more. This is the most powerful and fully packed with features for those who want to develop their website. This is available for both Mac and Windows operating systems.
The cross platform development tool enable users to preview websites in their web browsers. It combines a great WYSIWYG which is an FTP client. The Dreamweaver allows any type of users like beginners, professionals, designers, develops to easily and conveniently create simple or complex dynamic sites.
For skilled professionals, they often use the Script Mode of the Dreamweaver so they can access the code and use the feature autocomplete checking and script formatting. You will find more information about Adobe Dreamweaver at:
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