What is correct solution to stop killings of innocent civilians in pakistan and afghanistan?

Because the terrorists won in Northern Ireland. Gerry Adams has been directly or indirectly involved in 2000 murders. Is he in prison?

No. He's a very rich man supported by the Great British and Northern Irish tax payers he spent so many years killing. He's not the only one, all the big figures (Martin McGuiness, Ian Paisley, Patrick Magee etc.) from that time are walking free, living large and enjoying life.

Tony Blair and other do gooders rather than saying we shall not tolerate this they said we should understand the terrorists and forgive them even if they aren't sorry. Mass murderers were released from prison and allowed to become MPs (because its okay to kill for "political" reasons). So in the end terrorism paid and now others want in on the action.

United Ireland? British loyalty? Catholicism?

Protestantism? Nothing to do with anything. These people were and are thugs who would high jack any cause or belief if it gets them power and money.

Proof is in the jobs they hold now and the little good they have done while holding them, Northern Ireland is now one of the poorest regions in the UK. Thatcher may have been a nutter with no empathy but she had a very simple policy on anyone (unions, terrorists, Argentinians) who would use violence over argument. No negotiation.

No concessions. No understanding. It is one of the few things I agree with her on.

Give into violence once and you will do it a thousand times. As for the Republic, they don't care. In the second world war Northern Ireland was offered on a plate if they would help the war effort; they turned it down because it was too much trouble.

They have also since renounced claim to Northern Ireland. One day I hope the 1% in Northern Ireland will let the other 99% live in peace but it will not happen while people refuse to accept terrorism is never justified and denounce Sinn Fein and others who have profited from murder.

I hope and pray that one off bombing,i myself think this had nothing to do with ira,it just some resentful nutter that can't accept peace. People kick off all the time cos of belief just look at arab countries. I hope they catch this nutter soon.

Why in gods name you expect south get involved they don't want to know,i don't blame them you would be opening powder keg doing that. 99+% NR IRISH GOOD PEOPLE they I agree with you don't want bad times back but getting the south involved not going to happen and it no help either. If I was from the south I would not be to happy getting more involved.

The brits which includes nr ireland doing enough killing in this world and against peoples wishes,no more time or patience killing ourselves.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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