Hole in the heart may be of three types: 1. Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) – Excessive flow of blood to the lungs will damage it, though the hole is so small it requires medical attention to fix it. Antibiotic is of no use.2.
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) – This is a hole between the ventricles. Though the hole is small but it affect the function of the heart, there is need to be worry and should fix it.3. Atrioventricular Septal Defect (AVSD)– Though it is rare condition and can found in newborn babies.
This could damage the lungs due to excessive flow of blood to the lungs. Treatment, if the hole in the heart is small medical therapy sometimes recover but depend on the surgeon. Big hole requires immediate surgery.
Cauterization is quick and simple way to fix small hole.
My friend's son had just been diagnosed with a hole in the heart too but they don't worry much about it because the doctor prescribed them antibiotics. I heard from my friend that the doctor said it's caused by ordinary infections like untreated minor coughs and wounds. The bacteria have taken inside of the body that's why.
Though it's not been mentioned to be the cause for the hole in the heart in what I’ve read well maybe the doctor is right too. My friend's son now is doing well after finishing his scheduled monthly IM antibiotics. A hole in the heart is of three types: 1.
Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) – This is a hole in the wall between the atria which causes more blood to flow to the lungs. Excessive flow of blood to the lungs will damage it but if the hole is so small and doesn’t affect the heart then there’s no need to fix it. 2.
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) – This is a hole between the ventricles. If the hole is small and doesn’t affect the function of the heart then there’s no need to worry or fix it. 3.
Atrioventricular Septal Defect – This is the uncommon condition and can often be found on babies with Down syndrome. This is a large hole in the middle of your heart between the atria and ventricles. This could also damage the lungs due to excessive flow of blood to the lungs.
For treatment, if the hole in the heart is small then it’s the surgeon to decide whether to just leave it alone and let it heal by itself or to put a patch in it. Catheterization is quick and simple way for it but it may not be possible due to size, shape or position of the hole. And since I’m not a doctor, your sister-in-law should bring her mother-in-law to a good doctor.
There’s no need to worry much about this condition but since she is hypertensive also then the earlier it is treated the better in order to prevent further complications.
This is part of the information. However, I hope for the best for this patient. Rest is always important with any ailment and proper nutrition.
There is a slide show with this link. See what you can take and share with your family member. Take care!"Sometimes called a hole in the heart, this defect — the most common congenital heart defect — occurs when the muscular wall (septum) separating the bottom chambers of the heart (right and left ventricles ) doesn't fully form.
The hole allows oxygen-rich blood to leak from the left ventricle into the right ventricle, instead of moving into the aorta and on to the body. In the right ventricle, the oxygen-rich blood mixes with blood that doesn't have enough oxygen in it. Ventricular septal defect can lead to heart failure, high blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension), infections of the heart (endocarditis), irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias) and delayed growth.
Small holes may heal on their own or cause no symptoms. Larger holes may require surgery to stitch the hole closed or to cover the hole with a patch.
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