NASA introduced "The Mercury Seven" - the first seven astronauts in the Mercury project on April 9, 1959. They were Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn Jr., "Gus" Grissom, "Wally" Schirra, Alan Shepard, and Donald Slayton.
The famous Kitchen Debate between Nixon and Khrushchev.
The Xerox 914 was the first successful commercial plain paper copier which in 1959 revolutionized the document-copying industry.
On 17 March 1959 the Dalai Lama fled Tibet, never to return. Fifty years later, the fate of Tibet is still a bone of contention between the China and the rest of the world. In this picture, you can see the Dalai Lama, seated in the center in a dark rove, wearing glasses.(The first link has a gallery of great images, btw).
The Day That Music Died, the crash site of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and the Big Bopper. (February 3, 1959)
Innocence, I wasn't born, however this is how I see 1959.
On February 16, 1959, Fidel Castro took power in Cuba. After toppling the previous government, Castro assumed power as the Prime Minister of Cuba on a platform of restoring democratic elections and helping the working man. For the next 48 years, he ruled the country with an iron fist.
And during the Cold War, he was an ally to the Soviet Union, even allowing the USSR to place nuclear weapons on the island, only 90 miles away from the United States. He has been a thorn in the side (at the very least) of every President since Dwight Eisenhower, who refused to meet with Castro upon Castro's visit to the U.S. (also in 1959). This is a picture of Castro's inauguration celebration in Havana.
I don't think it defines the year, but it's a beautiful picture. Australia 1959 Corner Queen St. - Albert St Brisbane A picture by Pizzodisevo - "an Italian man who lived in Australia in the 1950s and has since re-emigrated to Italy. Pizzodisevo is now in his eighties and wanted to record his images into Picture Australia.
The one picture that best defines the year, I think this is it.
The one picture that best defines the year, I think this is it...
May 13 1950, the first Diner's Club issues its 1st credit card. For those of you who may not know... the Diner's Club Card was the first ever credit card used. ___quote___ It's 1949.
Businessman Frank McNamara schedules dinner at Major's Cabin Grill, a New York City restaurant. Dinner over, Frank realizes he has left his wallet in his other suit. S wife rescues him and pays.
He resolves never to face this embarrassment again. February 1950. McNamara and his partner Ralph Schneider return to Major's Cabin Grill.
When the bill comes, McNamara presents a small, cardboard card, a Diners Club Card, and signs for the purchase. In the credit card industry, this event is known as the First Supper… It's amazing how it started with a typed piece of paper with a signature. Wow!
Nothing could define 1950 hair styles, culture, and war attitude more than this 1950 pinup of Elvis Presley.
On May 8, 1950 one of the most famous UFO photos was taken.
The release of Walt Disney's Cinderella. It was release on February 15, 1950.
On June 25,1950 The Korean War (Conflict) began. It would go on for a little over 3 years.
Television. Fun for the whole family.
Segregation in the USYou may find the below link very useful in the future.
Explorer 1, the first successful American Satellite, was launched.
Nikita Khruchchev becomes the leader of the Soviet Union. This was a generational change. The Soviet Union becomes a less dangerous place to live.
Here is his wikipedia page;
July 29, 1958: Ike Inks Space Law, NASA is Born The agency's mission statement will have faint echoes for Star Trek fans: "To improve life here, to extend life there, to find life beyond. " NASA's motto is: "For the benefit of all. " NASA's Office of Education motto is... "Shaping the Future: Launching New Endeavors to Inspire the Next Generation of Explorers.
A quote from Unholy Book of Cultural Demise and Doom, also known as Wikipedia: "February 21 – A peace symbol is designed and completed by Gerald Holtom, commissioned by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, in protest against the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment.
BankAmericard (the precursor to Visa) and American Express Credit cards are introduced!
Bobby Fischer wins the US Chess Championship. People are still intrigued by him to this day.
The Beatles play what they think may have been their last live performance. It wasn't their last live performance; they would play one more concert on the Apple Rooftop in 1969, but this was the last live performance for which tickets were sold. The concert took place at Candlestick Park in San Fransisco on August 29, 1966.
Here's a rather famous shot of them on their way out.
March 18, 1966 Scott Paper begins selling paper dresses for $1.00.
England winning the world cup:
The following, taken in 1966, won the Pulitzer in 1967... "James Meredith pulls himself to cover near a parked car after being shot by a sniper. Other marchers and newsmen took cover behind another car. Meredith had been leading a march to encourage African Americans to vote.
He recovered from the wound, and later completed the march. June 7, 1966.
This one is easy. Ernesto Miranda. The Supreme Court ruled on Miranda v.Arizona.
Anyone who watches Law and Order knows that the policemen must tell the prisoner: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney present during questioning.
If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you. Do you understand these rights? " That is all the result of the Miranda ruling of 1966, which holds that the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination is not limited to courtroom testimony but also applies when a suspect is taken into police custody for questioning.
In 1966 Reagan runs for governor of California on the Republican ticket against incumbent Democrat Edmund G. "Pat" Brown. Here he rustles votes at a Mexican Indpendence Day parade in San Jose.
I'm showing my nerdiness here... Star Trek debuts its first episode!
The photo linked to below was the recipient of the 1966 World Press Photo Award. In it, American soldiers drag the body of a Viet Cong soldier as the move along a path with their tanks. The commentary of dehumanization is important; the Vietnamese man is facedown, presumably smeared in dirt.
The framing of the shot makes the tank appear larger-than-life. Kyochi Savada had won the World Press Photo Award for the second year in a row in 1966. "s widow confides that he wasn't pleased to win that year, as the tragic photo upset him."
The Moon Landing A race was on to put a man on the moon. President Kennedy had challenged the nation. It was the mission of Apollo 11 to land two men on the moon, then return them safely to Earth.It was one of the most historic events.
It demonstrated what man can do with effort and ingenuity.
January 30th, 1969. The Beatles give their last public performance, on top of the Apple Records building.
Woodstock Festival - from August 15 to August 18, 1969. Listed on Rolling Stone's 50 Moments That Changed the -- quote -- On the weekend of August 15th, 1969, an estimated 400,000 people from all over America descended on the 600-acre dairy farm of Max Yasgur, in Bethel, New York, for a three-day concert, the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. -- end quote.
I would definitely say this Woodstock Festival photo of the crowds of people in 1969.
It has to be this:
Yes it has to be Woodstock 1969! So many great photos from Woodstock its hard to pick just one.
The one I've seen a thousand times is the one accompanying Neil Armstrong's quote, "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" quote. Humankind makes it to the moon, July 20, 1969.
Another rough year to pick just one event, but the first ATM appeared. ATMs are part of everyday life for most of us, making checks, bank visits and cash-tellers less used than any of us ever dreamed. This year was really rough to choose from....... Manson, Woodstock, Altamont, John and Yoko's bed-in, campus protests, The Stonewall Riots, the first 747 flight, Yassar Arafat elected, President Johnson dies, the first artificial heart,Vietnam continues, Sly and the Family Stone, Chappiquidick and Ted Kennedy, the Chicago Eight, Monty Python, Easy Rider, Judy Garland dies, Rivers burn in Cleveland, Pringles, Wendys opens it's first shop in Ohio, NARAL is established, the first test tube baby is born in England, the internet, IBM anti-trust, Kurt Vonnegut puts out Slaughterhouse Five and the Godfather is published......just one crazy year.
But enough rambling I'm not a history teacher ha ha. In the end, I was torn between the first ATM and Sesame Street. I've never watched Sesame Street but know the impact on two generations and find it pretty important.
Very hard to compete against the moon landings ... but the Stonewall Riots began to change the face of American society and its attitude toward homosexuality. In fact, we're still debating their consequences today ... Prop 8, etc.
Any picture of the apollo moon landings. A truly remarkable feat that stunned the world. Please vote for my answer :.
Sticking to ONE photo on this is tough! Okay....I will date myself again, but thinking about 1st grade, all the news talked about (it seems) was Vietnam and the Manson criminal trial. The penalty phase was upcoming.
Since I've read almost anything I could about that cult, I must go with this picture. Knowing I'm not alone in the interest of all things Manson. The criminal trial was over 25JAN71.
The penalty phase and death sentences were delivered 29MAR71. The free members scared America with threats once again. It seems they captured those generations and future ones.
Every one involved got a book deal, became famous or infamous. Today there are volumes and volumes of books, blogs, websites and cultural references.....not to mention every time any of them want TV time or go up for parole, people still tune in. Major news outlets still interview anyone involved and use the case often.
Musicians have been sued because they used his work ( Guns and Roses), Marilyn Manson used part of his name. Manson's lyrics, songs and artwork are used not to mention, others.
Walt Disney World opened in Florida.
If we are speaking long-term impact, I would suggest that the launching of Amtrak on May 1, 1971, was one of the most important events in the US. In a time of global warming and increasing dependence on rail transport, this was one event that really got things going, though its full impact is yet to be felt. I would therefore suggest this image of the first Amtrak timetable.
The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 was a major conflict between India and Pakistan. The war is closely associated with Bangladesh Liberation War (sometimes also referred to as Pakistani Civil War). The Bangladesh liberation war was a conflict between the traditionally dominant West Pakistanis and the majority East Pakistanis.
The war ignited after the 1970 Pakistani election, in which the East Pakistani Awami League won 167 of 169 seats in East Pakistan, thus securing a simple majority in the 313-seat lower house of the Pakistani parliament. There is an argument about exact dates of the war. However, the armed conflict on India’s western front during the period between 3 December 1971 and 16 December 1971 is called the Indo-Pakistani War by both the Bangladeshi and Indian armies.
The war ended in a defeat for the Pakistani military in a fortnight.
Best car ever.... This is what I found that is a symbol of 1971.
It was a strange and violent year. Probably the most nationally recognized event, however, was the Attica prison riots that began September 9, 1971. Almost 1500 prisoners held 40 guards hostage over 4 days to protest inhumane living conditions.
New York police and National Guard stormed the prison block on September 13, leaving 43 people dead. Of these, 10 were hostages. The first photo is probably the best known, but the other two help tell the story.
WHo would have guessed that a little coffee shop in Seattle would become a world-wide sensation! This picture of the first Starbucks, which opened in 1971, epitomizes that year.
Vietnam napalm attack In June 1972, Nick Ut photographed a nine-year-old girl, Kim Phuc, fleeing her village after a napalm attack. The picture won him a Pulitzer prize.
The attempted assassination of Governor George Wallace, May 15.
Black September terrorist attack at Munich Olympics, 11 Israeli athletes killed.
Nixon opens ties with China
The Managua, Nicaragua Earthquakes of December 23, 1972.
The HP35, the first hand-held calculator was released. Mathematics for the masses. Of course, it cost $395 then, offering some indication of how the cost of mass technology would eventually plummet.
April 1973 Monday 03: The first ever Mobile phone call is placed by Martin Cooper, in New York City.
"There is an old Vulcan proverb: 'Only Nixon could go to China. '"
Watergate Break-In|Watergate, on the television 24/7. Probably the most lasting image is the photo of Woodward and Bernstein, who broke the scandal. It was the year of the "I am not a crook speech" and Agnew's (unrelated to Watergate) resignation.
I'm attaching the photo with the "real" characters as well as the more memorable Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford playing Woodward & Bernstein from the 1976 movie, "All the President's Men.
Watergate Break-In|Watergate, on the television 24/7. Probably the most lasting image is the photo of Woodward and Bernstein, who broke the scandal. It was the year of the "I am not a crook speech" and Agnew's (unrelated to Watergate) resignation.
I'm attaching the photo with the "real" characters as well as the more memorable Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford playing Woodward & Bernstein from the 1976 movie, "All the President's Men".
I would say a picture from the Paris Peace Accords. These accords were intended to establish peace in Vietnam and an end to the Vietnam Conflict. "Representatives from the four factions of the Vietnam War meet in Paris to sign a peace agreement.
On the left are representatives from South Vietnam led by Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Luu Vien. On the right are representatives from the Vietcong led by General Nguyen Van In the foreground are representatives from North Vietnam led by Le Duc Tho. In the background are representatives from the United States led by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger."{3DF26D7A-1D81-4EAC-B9D4-0D7952CF95A2}
The Skylab Space Station. 1973 ---Quote--- Skylab, a science and engineering laboratory, was launched into Earth orbit by a Saturn V rocket on 14 May 1973. Three crews of 3 men each visited the station, with their missions lasting 28, 59, and 84 days.
Circling 50 degrees north and south of the equator at an altitude of 435 km, Skylab had an orbital period of 93 minutes. There were a plethora of UV astronomy experiments done during the Skylab lifetime, as well as detailed X-ray studies of the Sun. Skylab fell from orbit on 11 July 1979.
---End Quote---
Trenton April 1973. Mario steps out of his #11 Viceroy machine. Mario was part of the the 'Super Team' of Andretti, Al Unser, and Joe Leonard.
1973 oil crisis started on October 15, 1973 - OPEC oil weapon kills the "American muscle car" OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) approved an oil embargo on the same day 11 Arab oil producers increased oil prices and cut production. The oil crisis happened because of America’s military support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War. Within days gas prices nearly quadrupled and ten-mile-a-gallon cars like the GTO, GTX, Road Runner, Duster, Camaro SS and the ilk went the way of the dinosaurs.
From here, America turned to smaller more fuel efficient cars from Japan and Europe. The death of the American muscle car birthed the sport compact car scene.
George Foreman defeats Joe Frazier for the heavyweight world boxing championship. Arguably one of the biggest moments in boxing history.
Barcodes are a familiar feature of product packaging today. On June 26, 1974, the first product with the Universal Product Code barcode was scanned at a checkout counter. It was, historians say, a 10-pack of Wrigley's chewing gum.
The adoption of the U.P.C. Would transform bar codes from a research project into a requirement for business. The effect this little patch of black and white vertical lines would come to have on the distribution industries of every major economy on the globe would be staggering.
8 August 1974 - Nixon announced his resignation: Watergate Scandal.
Much as Nixon was the biggest story, the imagery doesn't stick with me nearly as much as this one of Patty Hearst as a Symbionese Liberation Army hostage/recruit!
Just like the result of the record amount of tornados in the U.S. , several substantial bombings of terrorists and nuclear testing a like, Hank Aaron destroys this bat, just like he destroyed Babe Ruth's 38-year old career HR record. (not to mention Ali breaking George Foreman to get his 7-years of separation Heavy-weight belt back, and the World's new tallest structure- the Warsaw radio mast, which crumbled 17 years later).
Nixon announcing his resignation. This was the largest story of 1974 and was a distraction world wide; even here in Canada.
Well....Watergate and Nixon clearly were part of every night's news. A little known writer from Maine publishes the novel Carrie (yes Stephen has had our heart's beating hard for 25 years now). All In The Family, Good Times, Patty many things were going on but everyone had waited for Godfather Part 2 I really was torn between Nixon, Patty Hearst and Pacino, but since I know everyone will remember Nixon, most people didn't believe Patty and Godfather Part 2 still runs at least twice a month on AMC, Spike or TBS.
Photographer: Andrew MacGregor 1974 Looking southwest as the tornado crossed the Ohio River. The only tornado of 148 in the April 3-4, 1974 Super Outbreak to occur in 3 states It touched down near Rising Sun, IN, moved to the NE, crossing Boone County, KY, then the Ohio River into Ohio at Sayler Park.
Nixon, arms in the air, giving everyone the 'V' sign stepping up into Marine One.
One photo is fun and two photos are more fun so a photo collage is a ton of fun. Services like Pixisnap, Picartia, Picture2Life and PhotoVisi can help you to make create photo combos. Photoshop Express Photo Editor.
The bicentennial train called "The Screaming Eagle" which traveled from coast-to-coast spreading patriotic cheer in honor of our nation's 200 bithday. (I saw this train come through our hometown when I was 4. Still remember it.)
The Teton Dam Collapse: This federally-built dam in Idaho collapsed when it was filled for the first time, killing 11 people, and 13,000 cattle. The Federal Govt paid over $300 million in claims. Total damage estimates are about $2 billion.
Tadeusz Kościuszko statue, erected 1978, in Detroit, a gift from the people of Kraków, Poland in celebration of the United States Bicentennial.
January 21, 1976 - Concorde takes off From London's Heathrow Airport and Orly Airport outside Paris, the first Concordes with commercial passengers simultaneously take flight on January 21, 1976. The London flight was headed to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf, and the Paris to Rio de Janeiro via Senegal in West Africa. At their cruising speeds, the innovative Concordes flew well over the sound barrier at 1,350 miles an hour, cutting air travel time by more than half.
Farrah Fawcett in 1976 just before she was cast in 'Charlie's Angels'.
It was a music year, but the thing that stuck with me most was December 8, when John Lennon was murdered. The second one is the photo I nominate as the one that defines 1980.
Reagan. When I think of 1980, I think that is the year Reagan was elected.
The Empire Strikes Back
For 1980, I'd go for something to do with the Tehran hostage crisis, which started in late 1979, went on all through 1980, and finished early in 1981. Maybe this picture, from the failed rescue attempt, which was felt to be one of the lowest points in US history, and came to be seen as symbolic of the Carter presidency and the diminished standing of the US.
Uganda 1980. By Michael Wells World Press Photo of the Year: 1980
Mt. St. Helens erupts on May 18, 1980 - killing 57, and causing $2-$3 billion of damage - You can see the effects of it, even today at "Mount St.Helens National Volcanic Monument".
This cover of National Geographic:
On October 2, 1985, Rock Hudson died of AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome|AIDS. S celebrity status meant that everybody "knew" someone who had died from the disease, and that people other than gays, drug users, and Haitians could get affected. In essence, Rock Hudson took AIDS "out of the closet".
Volcanoes|Volcanic eruption in Colombia. On November|Nov. 13, 1985, 23,000 people were killed in Armero, Colombia, when hot volcanic debris flowed into the town from the erupting Nevado del Ruiz volcano.
NES The Nintendo Entertainment System is released in United States|U.S. Stores.
MAX HEADROOM! He was everywhere! New Coca Cola|Coke commercial, TV show, Art of Noise video...the pirating incident.
What an annoyance!
I was born in 1984, so all I really think of when I try to picture the 80's are the toys that I miss. When I think of 1985, My Little Pony|My Little Ponies come to mind.
This photo might not have defined 1985, but it has defined the world since 1985. From: URL1 November 20, Microsoft announces the retail shipment of Microsoft Windows, an operating system, which extends the features of the DOS operating system. Windows provides users with the ability to work with several programs at the same time and easily switch between them without having to quit and restart individual applications.
Achille Lauro A harbinger of things to come.
The fall of the Berlin Wall - 1989 - At that time, the Cold War was still dominant. Hardly anybody predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union until just before it happened in 1989, so most 1980 forecasts for the year 2000 retained the Cold War as the defining feature. The fall of the Berlin Wall is a very visible sign of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Nobody anticipated this dramatic change even a few years in advance.
Well, berlin wall, valdez and afghanistan were taken, so...
World Press Photo of the Year 1989
Trying to control his breath and steady his shots Cole thought "If this kid's going to give his life in protest I have a responsibility to nail the shot! " Another Angle.
East German border guards look through a hole in the Berlin wall after demonstrators pulled down one segment of the wall at Brandenburg gate. (AP Photo/Lionel Cironneau).
The Berlin wall fall was already posted so changing the photo Komsomolets 1989 nuclear submarine accident.
Soviet troops are withdrew from Afghanistan, nine years after they swept into the country.
This is definitely it. One of the most famous photos ever.
I'd probably say this, for the collapse of the Soviet Union.
I'd say the collapse of the USSR.
Tim Berners-Lee invents the world wide Web in 1991, then heads off to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he directs the W3 Consortium, the standard-setting body that helps everyone agree on openly published protocols. He battles to keep the worldwide web open, nonproprietary, and free. On August 6, 1991, Berners-Lee posted a short summary of the World Wide Web project on the alt.
Hypertext newsgroup. This date also marked the debut of the Web as a publicly available service on the Internet. "The WorldWideWeb (WWW) project aims to allow all links to be made to any information anywhere.... The WWW project was started to allow high energy physicists to share data, news, and documentation.
We are very interested in spreading the web to other areas, and having gateway servers for other data. Collaborators welcome! " —from Tim Berners-Lee's first message.
Jeffrey Dahmer arrested on July 22.
We had a terrible year. The moon shot is inspiring and did end a sad year with beauty, but it didn't any open doors or minds. MLK opened minds, fought for the downtrodden and showed even the most vehement racist that one black man could move a whole country through peaceful protest and sermons.
Winning a Nobel Peace Prize as the youngest man, third black and 2nd American proves, in my mind, that his reach and work was wide reaching. Martin Luther King stands to this day as THE face of the civil rights movement and more people can remember the "I have a dream" speech and the March on DC, his voter drives, his leadership in Birmingham, Montgomery and Time's Man of the Year. He became a world leader and his death tore the hearts out of not just Americans, blacks but was widely recognized by the world.
Blacks, whites, jews, Jamaicans, Indians (both native and from the country of), teachers, laundry workers, This is a direct copy and paste from the King Center Web page because there are too many recognitions that I fear my own typos... ........"Dr. King received numerous awards for his leadership in the Civil Rights Movement. Among them were the following: ....Selected as one of the ten most outstanding personalities of the year byTime Magazine, 1957. ......Listed in Who’s Who in America, 1957.
......The Spingarn Medal from the NAACP, 1957.
On January 17, 1994 the 6.7 Northridge earthquake hit, killing 57 people and causing more than $20 billion in property damage.
The white Bronco! A simple picture that represents so much. 1994 was the year that Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ronald Goldman were found dead outside OJ Simpsons home, which was followed by this bizarre car chase, and ultimately OJ's murder trial.
Black and white voted together in landmark democratic election of 1994, for the first time in South Africa.
The 1994 World Cup holds the record for the highest attendance in World Cup history. It was also the highest-attended single sport event in United States history.
Forrest Gump won all but Best Actress (Won 3 of the top 4 academy awards)!
This one defines the year 1994 as good as any, and perhaps better than many ;).
Looking back one of the biggest events of 1994 (though not a huge event at the time but history shows it now to be a major deal) was the founding of Yahoo.
Here are mine. 1. Janet Jackson Superbowl "Wardrobe Malfunction" (I listed it in the links instead of positing the image, although it's blurred out in case anyone is offended) 2. Pictures start to emerge of the torture happening to prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
Oh this one is easy...still brings a triumphant tear to my eyes. I lived just an hour north of Boston at the time. I didn't grow up a Red Sox fan, but there was just something magical about living in that place at that time.
We watched the news coverage all night.
Wow. Bush being re-elected is significant.... but how about the tsunami?
I think this was a defining moment in 2004.
In the summer of 04 Reagan's funeral had some pretty memorable photographs, I wouldn't say it defined the entire year, but it was one of the 5 biggest events on tv.
Either this one where some genius decided to blow up a rotting beached whale, and then had blubber chunks rain down over a mile away....
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.