I am looking for that sweet spot between price and performance. I will be using it exclusively for espresso grounds. Needs to perform very well in this area.
Asked by BetterKnown 60 months ago Similar questions: Burr coffee grinder reasonable price Food & Drink > Drink.
Similar questions: Burr coffee grinder reasonable price.
Factory-Reconditioned KitchenAid Pro Line Burr Coffee Grinder, Pearl Metallic browse brands & products | top sellers | housewares | small appliances | gift ideas & wedding registry | today's deals | outlet, used & reconditioned Search Amazon.com Home & Garden Kitchen & Housewares . Gc-popover-tiny { font-size: 10px; font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; } . Gc-popover-tiny a, .
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I think the sweet spot is with the Cuisinart Supreme Grind Automatic DBM8 Burr Coffee Grinder After looking a few over, they strike me as being much more expensive than they should be, especially compared to this model. Good brand, does the job, looks nice, and won't cost you an arm and a leg. The reviews are generally good, too, though some people seem to have had a problem with its durability.
Keep in mind, though, that most people only bother to post a review when they want to complain. And compared to other models, the reviews still hold up well for this one. Details below, and I hope this helps.
:)Cuisinart DBM-8 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr MillOther products by CuisinartList Price: $49.95Price: $38.88amazon.com/Cuisinart-DBM-8-Supreme-Grind... stylish grinder for the serious coffee buff, this Cuisinart Supreme Grind automatic burr mill provides plenty of options and good results in an attractive and tidy structure. This makes it a great appliance for houses where coffee is a steady dietary staple and preferences vary from espresso to French drip. Outfitted with a heavy-duty motor, the machine has 18 grind settings ranging from fine to extra-coarse, which are controlled by a clearly marked, pleasantly clicking dial.
Rotate the hopper to personal preference, and the machine does the rest, using burr plates for a highly uniform grind that protects bean oils and releases more flavor. Automatic operation in this grinder covers quantity as well--simply set the amount slide control anywhere from 4 to 18 cups. The grinder shuts off when the desired level is reached.
Transfer of ready grounds to a coffee pot or espresso group is quick and tidy, because the grind chamber slides out with its clever lid in place. Smart and elegant, the grinder has brushed stainless steel housing and black accents in durable plastic. The hopper, hopper lid, grinding burr, and grind chamber all remove easily for cleanup, and a safety feature keeps the grinder from operating without the hopper and chamber in place.
Standing 6-3/4 by 9-3/4 by 5 inches, the unit has built-in power cord storage at its base. Cuisinart includes a coffee scoop/cleaning brush in one and covers the machine with an 18-month warranty. Sources: http://www.bizrate.com/coffeegrinders/cuisinart-supreme-grind-automatic-dbm8-burr-coffee-grinder--pid11496380/compareprices.html .
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Looking for a good coffee maker with built in grinder. Please help?
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