According to Jeanie Lerche Davis of webmd. Com, he reported that "products containing DEET -- N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide -- are the best insect repellents on the market, according to the Consumer Reports' cover story. In their study for Consumer Reports, three medical entomologists judged insect repellents with a range of DEET concentrations from 7% to 100% -- as well as insect repellents without DEET."
Furthermore she ranks the following products according to its duration effectiveness against mosquito, see below: 1. 3M Ultrathon, 13 hours effective. 2.
Off! Deep Woods for Sportsmen, 13 hours effective. 3.
Muskol Ultra 6 Hours, 8 hours effective. 4. BugOut, 7 hours effective.5.
Sawyer Controlled Release, 6 hours effective. 6. Cutter Unscented, 5 hours effective 7.
Off! Skintastic with Sunscreen SPF 30, 4 hours effective.8. Cutter Skinsations, 2 hours effective.9.
Avon Skin So-Soft Bug Guard/ Sunblock, 1 hour (contains no DEET).
According to Jeanie Lerche Davis of webmd. Com, he reported that "products containing DEET -- N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide -- are the best insect repellents on the market, according to the Consumer Reports' cover story. In their study for Consumer Reports, three medical entomologists judged insect repellents with a range of DEET concentrations from 7% to 100% -- as well as insect repellents without DEET."
Furthermore she ranks the following products according to its duration effectiveness against mosquito, see below: 1. 3M Ultrathon, 13 hours effective. 2.
Off! Deep Woods for Sportsmen, 13 hours effective. 3.
Muskol Ultra 6 Hours, 8 hours effective. 4. BugOut, 7 hours effective.5.
Sawyer Controlled Release, 6 hours effective. 6. Cutter Unscented, 5 hours effective 7.
Off! Skintastic with Sunscreen SPF 30, 4 hours effective.8. Cutter Skinsations, 2 hours effective.9.
Avon Skin So-Soft Bug Guard/ Sunblock, 1 hour (contains no DEET) .
According to this article by the Best insect repellent overall is Cutter Advanced . You can purchased this item at Here is the link to the article and the Amazon link
The biggest drawback to this, or any picaridin-based product, is that it is not as consistently effective as products that contain DEET. DEET-based 3M Ultrathon (*est. $8.50 for 2 oz.
) is effective for up to five hours. Repellents containing DEET, however, are not recommended for young children; repellents containing picaridin can be used on babies as young as 2 months.It's worth noting that eye irritation has been reported by some users of Cutter Advanced. Best insect repellent overall pros Long-lasting protection Safe for kids as young as 2 months Odorless Non-stickiness Doesn't damage plastics cons Eye irritation Inconsistent effectiveness ----quote---- Information quoted from Other recommended insect repellent 1.
DEET repellent for long periods or extreme conditions 3M Ultrathon Insect Repellent 12 Lotion You can purchase this item from Price: $8.49 www.consumersearch. Com1 2. Best natural mosquito repellent Repel Lemon Eucalyptus You can purchase this item form Price: $12.50
Safest insect repellent for kids Bite Blocker You can purchase this item from Price: $14.31
It can get pretty bad where I live as well. There's no 100% cure, and spraying won't do anything for the ones that you aren't getting to what we do is burn citronella candles or essence, and always put mosquito repellent on ankles, knees (All around), elbows, wrists, fingers, neck, ears, and rub a little on the face and forehead. Wasps... there's an old time trick that I've tried you take a plastic coke bottle (big one), cut an inch long hole (square) in the side halfway up, add 1/3 water with soap or insecticide in the water (the hole has to be above water), and tie something wasps like to nibble on from some string, hanging from the bottle cap I've used raw meat.
The wasps come in, eat away at the meat (you'd be amazed at how voracious they can be), can't find the hole to get out, and once they touch the water, the soap wets them down (if it's regular water, they climb out and it dries off), and voila! Soon you'll have a half pound of wasps floating in each bottle.
Well, you mush have heard about garlic and tricks to gather all insects in one place, but that works for rooms and when u're at home, not when you're outside. What I know of is something that you have to pay,but is a dollar each. I am talking about the wristbands that you can take wherever you want and will keep you protected for 200 hours, and they don't contain deet, so your health will not be affected.
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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.