What is the best solution for immigration reform?

Your plan seems reasonable. It's not realistic to deport millions of people, many of whom have American kids. It's also not humane.

I definitely don't support the mass deportation of millions of poeople. Two things I disagree with: not learn English. You're right--it doesn't happen overnight, but people need to at least make an effort.

Regardless of whether or not it's the official language or not, it's the common tongue here. We can't be living with two divided worlds on the same turf--a place where people can't even communicate. Honestly, I think our children should be learning two languages from a young age--that's when it's easiest to retain.

I support encouraging both English and Spanish to be spoken. Another thing--the tax thing, while partially true ~in some ways I disagree. Most immigrants don't make enough to contribute much in taxes, same with the majority of Americans.

In the country currently the richest pay the majority of taxes, while the others get there returns in the mail come tax day. I do believe in naturalized citizenship for peaceful people who are here. But I also support securing our border against more illegal immigration.

We can't allow more and more people to come in--we'll be overpopulated. Also, with loosening our legal immigration process--good idea--but, we must realize that many immigrants do come here legally--and overstay their visas unchecked and stay here for the rest of their lives . Perhaps we need to make the renewal process easier and make sure we check up on people from time to time.

We need to start helping some of these countries develop more jobs for their citizens--mainly people are jobless and see no hope for their future, so they try and come here. That and work on gangs and drugs--the police system in much of Latin America is useless--people need to realize the danger of gangs and drugs-- and the effect they've had on much of Latin America! Perhaps a guest worker program? Something where people can come and legally work, and after a while, they go home?

It's such a complicated and controversial issue, it's tough to really say. BTW I recommend you watch the movie Sin Nombre--and tragic and very revealing movie that sheds a new light on the immigration issue. Much recommended!

There Are MILLIONS Of Immigrants In Our Nation That Took The Steps To Enter This Nation In An Orderly And Legal Fashion None Of Them Complained That It Was Too Difficult And NONE Of Them Take Their Presence In The United States For Granted Also NONE Of Them Have A Sense Of ENTITLEMENT Or Neither To They Make Unreasonable DEMANDS Upon Our Nation While Spitting On Our Flag I Hate To Be The One To Tell You This But Your Ideas Suck And They Are The FARTHEST Thing From Common Sense That Possibly Can Be Common Sense To An Idiot Perhaps.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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