If you want cheap and durable, go to Walmart and try the brand Sweet Nothings. For years I wouldn't buy anything except for Victoria's Secret because no other brand was comfortable or held up well for very long. About 6 months ago, a friend of mine bought 3 bras and they were the wrong size and she gave them to me because she already washed them and couldn't return them.
I still wear them and they are comfortable, give good support, and are between $8-$10 a piece. The only thing I don't like about the brand is that there is not a huge selection of prints to choose from, but if you can spend that little of money on a bra and it's still comfortable after 6 months, then you can't really go wrong.
First make sure your decision to use an underwire bra is the healthiest choice. womentowomen.com/breasthealth/breastpain... Then make sure you have been properly fit. twotexasbelles.com/health.html Then if your choice is to wear an underwire bra anyway, it's important to check the seams and stitching around the underwire and other fittings.Is the underwire only covered with a single layer of material?
My wife has gotten longer use from the Playtex brand bras than most others. Inexpensive yet durable. She shops for them at JCPenny's.
Honestly though, I wish that men would completely get out of the lingerie designing business and let women do what is right for themselves.
I suggest you buy Bali Women's Satin Tracings Minimizer Underwire Bra at amazon. Com with a price range of $15.60 - $99.92. According to a customer review by 'Mickey L.
Sandridge', she said-"No Bounce, no jiggle. " -quote- "Bali Women's Satin Tracings Minimizer Underwire Bra #3562 Price: $15.60 - $99.92 Product Features * cotton * Body: 73% Nylon, 27% Spandex. Cups: 100% Nylon * Cushioned straps help to alleviate aching grooved shoulders * Minimizes while creating an enhanced shape for a flattering silhouette * Can reduce the bustline by up to 1¼ inches * Imported Most Helpful Customer Reviews By Mickey L.
Sandridge I show horses, and this bra controls the "bounce and jiggle" better than any other I've tried....." -end of quote.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.