Morgan-Keenan Spectral Classification
The O and B stars are not common but they are very bright; the M stars are common but they are also dim. Blue Stars temperature range: * over 25,000 K° for O type stars. * from 25.000 K° to 11.000 K° for B type stars.
* from 11.000 K° to 7.500 K° for A type stars. Blue to White Stars temperature range: * from 7.500 K° to 6.000 K° for F type stars. White to Yellow Stars temperature range: * from 6.000 K° to 5.000 K° for G type stars.
Orange to Red Stars temperature range: * from 5.000 K° to 3.500 K° for K type stars. Red Stars temperature range: * under 3.500 K° for M type stars. Some of the known Supergiant stars are Orange or Red cooler stars like Arcturus, Aldebaran, Betelgueuse or Antares, they are also less luminous and sometimes exhibit less mass, but is also true that some other Supergiant stars are Blue hotter stars like Sirius, Rigel or Lacertra, they are also more luminous and sometimes exhibit greater mass.So, the terms Blue Star and Giant Star are sometimes synonymous in size but different in composition.
Inside this class of Giant and Super Giant stars we can count the Red Giants, Blue Giants, Supergiants and Hypergiants.
There is quite a lot to it... it's described in some detail here: To summarise it briefly... the most reliable method involves using the absorption lines in the spectra, which give an indication, based on what is known from atomic physics about the energies that atoms must be colliding at to produce those lines. I don't know that astronomers specifically use the categories of "blue star" or "giant star". However other things being equal, an object emitting bluish light is hotter than one emitting reddish light.
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