facebook.com/OffcialSnsdJessica THAT IS THE REAL JESSICA.
D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group. Have fun~ :) And thank you for joining! :D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group.
Have fun~ :) And thank you for joining! ): Your Facebook has someone already added / listed; someone that is not from our roleplay. Please delete / unlist that member then re-submit your application again~ Thank you!
? Harmonyrp questioned, "Hello! We're a new roleplay community, would you like to be affiliates?
:3 And of course! Everyone, please check them out~! Hours online in a day: 2-3 Penguin!
:D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group. Have fun~ :) And thank you for joining! Our admins just accepted your requests and added you into our group~ Thank you again for joining!
:D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group. Have fun~ :) And thank you for joining! Hours online in a day: Like 7?
:D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group. Have fun~ :) And thank you for joining! Join Romance Town RP~!
We’re just a really fun, friendly roleplay filled with outgoing people and your typical kpop idols, ulzzangs, models, actors, and actresses, all looking for a little fun. We have plenty of characters still available~ And don’t be afraid to hit up our ask for questions or comments! Join us today!
Hours online in a day: A lot. Tumblr/Twitter/E-mail (just in case if I want to reach you): kim. :D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group.
Hours online in a day: 5 and above. We apologize for the extremely late reply! We understand if you would like to take your request back because of our delayed response.
:D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group. We apologize for the extremely late reply! Characters are available if they are not listed on the character list.
Or you can just simply ask us admins. Hours online in a day: +5 penguin! We apologize for the extremely late reply!
We understand if you would like to take your request back because of our delayed response. :D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group. Group of your character/Solo/Ulzzang/Actor: UKISS.. oh, penguin!
We apologize for the extremely late reply! We understand if you would like to take your request back because of our delayed response. :D You can now add the admins, the mayor and request to join our group.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.