What is the Fitch Fuel Catalyst?

The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is a pre combustion fuel treatment device the purpose of which is to improve combustion. The Fitch Fuel Catalyst is a true catalyst in that it causes a reaction but is not consumed or affected in the process. Therefore it is not an additive as it puts nothing into the fuel.

It is installed in the fuel line of any engine just like a fuel filter. It is a maintenance- free product, which will last for up to 400,000 kilometers or essentially, the life of the engine. HOW DOES IT WORK?

Testing by several leading laboratories have confirmed that the Fitch Fuel Catalyst is actually re-refining the fuel immediately prior to combustion. This is accomplished through a complex chemical reaction, which breaks the long chain hydrocarbons converting them to smaller, higher energy, and more combustible constituents, which burn more efficiently. This process is patented and proprietary to Advanced Power Systems International Inc.

WHAT ARE THE APPLICATIONS? Any gasoline or ... more.

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