I have read stories on people that have saved nearly 100% on their groceries by using coupons, which seems can only happen if you purcahse just items that the coupons are for and nothing else. Even if it's an item that isn't normally used, just buy it anyway to get everything for virtually nothing. Having said that, I have never done that.
When I use coupons, it's for items that I would normally purchase. I don't know an actual dollar amount for the most I have ever saved, but I do know that in general, I can save around 15 to 20 percent on my bill. What I should do, but don't, is take the amount of money that is saved and put it aside into some account and at the end of the year, I would have extra money plus a bit of interest that I can use for myself or for some other bills.
I don't use coupons as often as I use to, but I have saved about $50 in a month by using coupons. Now that I don't do the grocery shopping, I honestly forget about coupons a lot of the time. More of my energy is spent trying to save money on other bills like the electricity and the phone bills.My kids are finally learning to turn the lights off when they leave a room!
Back when we got the Sunday paper each week, I clipped coupons religiously. Of course back then I had kids in diapers, so I needed coupons to be able to afford all of the necessary baby supplies for two babies.As much time as I spend online, I definitely need to start looking for more coupons.
I have always wondered how much I would save if I did clip coupons. What I find difficult is that by the time I remember to use them, they have all but expired. It's not that I didn't try, it's that I didn't remember to grab them.
However, the most I have ever seen saved with an actual paper coupon that was for $500 off the purchase of a new vehicle. It was a printed coupon that was located in my local newspaper. I clipped It and presented it at the dealership and I used it along with my down payment.
That is by far the most I've ever saved in my lie II bet that if each week you clipped the coupons that you'll likely use, that soon it will become easier to find those that you can use. Once you have an experience like yours saving that much in one trip, I'm sure that taking the tine to clip then is worth it.
I think coupon clipping has become one of the ‘’in-things’’ for people who want to save some money while shopping. I use coupons a lot and always get them in my mail and through coupon websites. I have saved a lot of money and the amount varies depending on what I am shopping for.
I think the most amount of money I have saved in a month with coupons is $180; almost half of my shopping for that day. I had gone on a joint shopping with my sister and since we buy almost the same groceries, I was able to get different offers that I would not normally get if I was buying a little quantity. There were a lot of BOGOF (buy one get one free) and buy-two –get- one- free.
I actually saved more on the latter, thanks to my sister who needed the third one, so I had to keep some of the extras.
I would estimate the most I have ever saved in one month of shopping using coupons to be somewhere around $10-$15, which is why I have put it on hold for now. I thought that coupon clipping would actually be a great way to save some money, while enjoying the foods we love, but I found that it was more time consuming than anything. First off, my grocery bill isn’t that large to begin with.
I do a lot of my shopping at specialty stores and Farmer’s Markets, so I really don’t spend too much in the grocery store. When I tried clipping coupons, I had to spend the money to get the paper ($1.75 for the Sunday edition), then take time out to clip the coupons and organize them. When I realized that I spent nearly half of what I saved each week on buying the paper in the first place, I figured that the amount of time it was taking me to get everything organized, and to check each product to make sure that I was purchasing the one that was covered by the coupon, wasn’t worth the $1 or $2 I would save.
Maybe as the baby gets older, or our family grows, coupon clipping may be more beneficial, so I will definitely give it another go.
I don't often use coupons for grocery shopping, because I buy very few things that are brands - 90% of what I buy is produce, meat from the deli, and store-baked bread. Those things don't have coupons. However, when I am about to buy something online, I will always look for a coupons, because it's just a quick search and copy-paste the code.
I've often gotten free shipping at fredflare. Com, I got a free $15 gift certificate at Amazon for doing a survey which amounted to 30% of the cost of a text book. The best one I've gotten so far was for eHarmony.
I signed up after my friend joined (at full price) and loved it. A 30 second search found me a coupon to try the first 3 months for $9.99. The normal price for 3 months was something like $89.99, or about 52 dollars monthly.It was definitely an awesome deal, and I don't think I'd have paid the full price.
However, I DID forget to turn auto-renew off and it charged me for another 3 months for the 90 dollars in which I signed on a total of about 3 times.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.