1600 or so I played the auction house for about a month and managed to accrue over 1600 gold just by buying low and selling high. Never even had to do any crafting.
What I have right now Approximately 535 gold. My Level 60 Dwarf rogue is saving for his epic mount - but he's not going to buy some silly ram with extra barding, oh no, he's going to buy a mechanostrider - after turning in another 467 stacks (that's 9340 pieces) of runecloth. Engineers should be able to build some kind of mechanical mount.
Sources: my experience .
Gold, liquid assets, and net worth Not unlike the real world, wealth comes in much more than just cash. 1. Cash assets - purely liquid assets, honored by all, though the value of said assets might still fluctuate as does the mighty dollar against other forms of currency.
Gold in WoW is about to (probably) undergo super-inflation, as the new expansion pack will likely raise supply and ease of obtaining gold without adequatly raising demand. The most gold I ever had on a single character is probably right now - Just over 3000g. I also have about 150g on my priest alt, and 300g on my bank alt, bringing my total liquid assets to around 3500g.
Items such as enchanting supplies, "Bind On Equip" gear which is not yet bound, herbs, potions, cloth, bandages, etc all fall into this category. I estimate the total value of all my possesions in this category on my bank alts (and in their mailboxes, bouncing back and forth, for lack of bag space to store them) ranges in the 4-10k gold range. As is usual with assets which change in value, their actual value if you wanted to sell them all varies greatly depending on how fast you wanted to sell them, and on which market.3.
Non-Assets - I call these items non-assets because they are of practically no value to anyone but you. Items which are bound to your character fall into this category. Also, items of sentimental value, such as a Red Mageweave Shirt made by your good friend before he quit, might fall into this category.
They are worth 10s to anyone else, but they are priceless to you. Epics which are bound to your character are easily worth 2-20k gold (depending on the rareness) or even more, if you COULD sell them, but ironically (and, for reasons that add stability to the economy), that is not permitted.At best, you could disenchant an item and sell the shards, which retain a paltry fraction of the original value of the item (a typical lvl 60 epic worth 1000+g might disenchant into 2 or 3 nexus crystals, worth 30-40g each). Of course, soulbound items DO add value to your character in real dollars, should you ever decide to sell your character on ebay.
I believe a lvl 60 with Tier2 armor (and better) such as mine goes for over $2000 real cash (and I wouldn't even consider selling for less than 3000, if I sold at all, which I probably wouldn't). Of course, that figure is pre-expansion pack, which will likely cause the prices to drop to rock bottom while everyone fights tooth and nail to get new gear, making older hard-earned gear in category 3 worth much less, but eventually newer items will replace it and regain the real-life-value.
Around 500g. But I'm a relative noob, and I love to shop, so any gold I do manage to acquire doesn't stay in my bank very long.
3800g I had the extremely good fortune of winning a Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying on a DM run, back when they were going for several thousand. I sold it to a guild for 3500g, and used the money to buy enough runecloth to get to exalted with Thunder Bluff, an Arcanist belt, a bunch of alchemy recipes, and an epic kodo.
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My son wants to know how to get armor for his pet in World of Warcraft.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.