diehlplasticsurgery.com/index.html After graduating from the Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri (ranked 3rd in nation by US News and World Report) with a B.A., Dr. Diehl attended the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri graduating in 1986. Dr. Diehl completed both his General Surgery and Plastic Surgery Residencies at Washington University Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. To further enhance his training, Dr. Diehl completed Fellowships in both Cosmetic Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.Dr. Diehl has acquired the following certifications: Board Certification * Diplomat American Board of Plastic Surgery Professional Organizations * American Board of Plastic Surgeons * Fellow American college of surgeons * American Medical Association * New York State Medical Society * Suffolk County Medical Society * AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation for Ambulatory Surgery Facilities) Dr. Diehl was an Instructor in Surgery in the Division of Plastic Surgery at the Washington School of Medicine, Barnes Hospital.
Born and raised on Long Island, New York, Dr. Diehl has been practicing over 17 years in Port Jefferson Station, New York. He is currently an active staff member at the following hospitals: * John T. Mather Hospital, Port Jefferson, NY * St. Charles Hospital, Port Jefferson, NY
Unfortunately post pregnancy my breasts has lost their volume and headed south; permanently. I started thinking about a breast lift with augmentation after I had made the decision not have any more children. I am a registered nurse with a critical care background, currently working in a local hospital recovery room.
I have worked with many plastic surgeons and spoken to dozen of their patients before going to Dr. Diehl. At my initial consultation all of my questions and concerns were addressed thoroughly in a professional manner. After leaving I felt 100% confident that I had made the right decision about the surgery I wanted, and the qualified surgeon I had chosen to perform it.It has been almost a year since my surgery and I couldn't be happier.
I don't hesitate to recommend him to anybody, in fact my mother recently had a breast augmentation done by Dr. Diehl and she looks and feels amazing. Each and every encounter I had with either Dr. Diehl, or any of his staff was a positive one.My experience was so wonderful that when they offered me to work in the office occasionally I jumped at the chance. Now seeing behind the scenes of the office and the surgeries I have a better understanding of why all his patients are completely satisfied with their results.
He listens to their requests prior to surgery and is an absolute perfectionist in the operating room. All of my friends are in their late 20's and early 30's like me. They are so impressed with my results that they are all saving their pennies to have the procedure of their choice.
When all is said and done, the surgery, recovery, or cost did not matter, because improving how YOU feel about yourself is absolutely priceless.
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