Yes, I can attest that Facebook games are quite addictive and popular to any person who has an account are hooked on playing farmville, Cafe World, Yoville, Petville and hundred different games. Although I rarely play them I don't miss to check them out regularly. Zynga which develops the many popular games in facebook like farmville, Mafia Wars, YoVille, Petville, etc.And its founder Mark Pincus said that the success of games in Facebok and any other social sites for that matters was because these games are simple wherein many people like to play but they can easily set aside.
Pincus, a veteran Web entrepreneur who created Zynga in 2007 said that they built the games that could be played in a tab on a browser where one can do while on a conference call. Pincus further reiterated that the massive growth was very satisfying but he was not surprised at all of its outcome. He said that he made an effort to fill the void in most people's daily internet use.
He thought back then in 2007 that something is oddly wrong and that games should be part of the whole internet experience.
They are vaguely hypnotic and provide people with outside validation for themselves.
It is a free game and its fun. I used to spend many hours playing those Facebook game apps such as Café World, Farmville, and Mafia Wars, just to name a few. I finally got smart and realized that I wasting so much time playing those stupid apps and not getting any work done.
They are very addictive and once you start on one game, you’ll end up getting invited to another one, you’ll join up with that one, and then you’ll get invited to another game and it goes on and on. It ends up that your friends are your worst enemies. I even admit that after stopping playing all those games, I still play one game app every day-for probably many times during the day.
I don’t know why we humans can get so addicted to free online games but we sure do. Why do you think that on the new iPad, there are probably more game apps to get than any other type of app?
I think people enjoy games on Facebook for the same reason people enjoy other types of games, whether they be simulation games, sports games, or classic board games. They are fun and a diversion from every day life. As you said, it's an escape from reality.
Daily life is stressful enough, so people enjoy doing something that will relax them, and for some it's simulation games. I enjoy a few of them on here, such as Fartmtown, MyTown and Frontierworld. One thing about the simulation games is that it appears you cannot just quit the game, something is always happening even when not playing.
When you come back to your game after a long period of time, either a crop has died, animals need to be fed or you are late on monetary collections. I wish there was a way to pause the games. One of my favorite Facebook games is Lexulous, a version of the classic Scrabble URL1 makes me think and helps increase my vocabulary since I come across new words almost daily.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.