Jd47 although you didn't indicate which type of car seat you are interested in the link to this site will provide you with the safest car seat to purchase for you toddler or infant. Two brands I would highly recommend would be Britax and Graco. Here is the link to the site ecarseatreviews.com/safest-car-seats-201... Here is the list of the safest car seats according to the site 1.
Safest Infant Car Seats 2011 Graco SnugRide Infant Car Seat 2. Safest Convertible Car Seats 2011 Britax Roundabout Convertible Car Seat 3. Harnessed Booster Seats – Safest Car Seats 2011 Britax Frontier Combination Car Seat According to this article from www.consumersearch.com the Britax Boulevard Convertible Car Seat was reviewed as the Best convertible car seat for heavier kids .
You can purchase this car seat from wwaw.amazon. Com for Price $299.99. This car seat received 132 reviews on wwaw.amazon.com.
Ninety-two reviews give the car seat five star rating, twenty-two reviews give the car seat four starrating, four reviews give the car seat three star rating, nine reviews give the car seat two star rating and five reviews give the car seat a one star rating. Here are the links from www.consumersearch.com 1. http://www.consumersearch.com/car-seats http://www.consumersearch.com/car-seats/britax-boulevard 2.
http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Britax+Boulevard&x=12&y=17 http://www.amazon.com/Britax-Boulevard-Convertible-Seat-Onyx/dp/B000A1ELMW/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1266791081&sr=8-3 ----quote---- Professional reviewers are enthusiastic about the Britax Boulevard convertible car seat, and parents give it excellent feedback as well. The standout features are the seat's safety wings, which are made with expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam padding -- the stuff used in motorcycle helmets -- and designed to provide additional protection in a side-impact collision. Some reviewers do express concern that the wings block the child's view too much, so if you're considering the Boulevard, it might be a good idea to see how your particular child reacts to it first.
The Britax Boulevard also gets good reviewer feedback for its extra-high weight limit. While most convertible car seats, including the popular Cosco Scenerainfo (*Est. $65), are only rated for kids who weigh less than 40 pounds, the Boulevard can accommodate children weighing as much as 65 pounds in a five-point harness.
----quote---- Information quoted from http://www.consumersearch.com/car-seats/britax-boulevard ecarseatreviews.com/safest-car-seats-201...0.
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