I think girls are hot when they spend a lot of time and get creative with their costume. It doesn't necessarily have to be skimpy. Using your brain is sexy!
Here are some examples of sexy, from skimpy to prudish!
Gold digger, for sure! Costume includes: dress, miners hat, dollar necklace and plastic tools. 5 PC set.
Just for $59.99! halloweenexpress.com/gold-digger-adult-c....
I'm a sucker for a cop in latex especially with plastic cuffs
It was a funny and a sexy, all in 'one'. A Freudian slip...(ha, ha) but in fact it was a great excuse to wear a really little negligee and not be all 'Anna Nicole Smith' dressed up, so it was classy. Worth it if you have the gumption...
My first reaction to this question is remembering the Smothers Brothers song Map of the World. But since this is a serious question, I will tell you that the sexiest Halloween Costume I ever witnessed was a fur bikini made of animal hide and worn to a pirate themed party for no aparent reason. She was fit, tanned, and had very long hair.It wasn't a teeny bikini and covered her very well.
She wore leather lace up boots to her thighs. Great costume.
I'm a Star Wars nerd and would definitely have to go with the Princess Leia "slave-girl" gold bikini costume in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. How to Make a Princess Leia Halloween Costume.
Well, you asked for it. In Dallas at a club one Halloween night, there was a contest so most people were dressed up. A man with a five oclock shadow caught my attention.
First of all he was dressed like a ballerina with a pink too too. The craziest thing was that he had a fabricated penis. It was made of nylon and whaever else and it was hanging way down below the too too.
I thought it was brillant. I think it was the best and I asked him if I could touch it. Not the real one.
The costume one. Some how I found this costume to be pretty sexy. It is one of the few costumes I remember from all my years of Halloweening.
Young Alice from the Brady Bunch" The costume idea was based on the "Sneakin off for a nooner" Alice from the movie, only with a younger woman, and a much shorter skirt.
Here are my list of sexiest HALLOWEEN customes.. 1. The Bunny. 2.
Wonder Women 3. Super Girl 4. The Riddler Custome 5.
The Lady Zombies 6. The Vampires 7. The Witches.8.
The Warewolf Lady 9. The Slayers 10. The Naked Dead Ladies The all turn me on.
I love the appeal of tempting bodies....
The sexiest halloween costume you have ever is (without quotes):.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.