I have a very good friend that is a stunt organizer for movies. He does not do the stunts himself, he just plans them out. Because of his position, he is able to arrange for some very interstring afternoons with friends.
About three years ago, he was able to get his hands on a decommissioned Huey, and fly us up. When we got up a prearranged height, he offered $500 to anyone that would bungee jump off of the side of the Huey. None of us noticed that cord strung to the side of the massive helicopter that we were in.
Out of six of us, only two of us took him up on the offer. Now, mind you, I am afraid of open heights. I can be in a plane or a tall building without a problem.
If you put me on the roof where the open air is around me, I go bonkers. With the fact that $500 was on the line, I had no choice. I went through with it.To this day, it was the most amazing thrill of my life.
My best friend and I went Great White Shark Diving off the San Francisco coast in these islands called the Farralon Islands. Somehow, there's nothing more awe-inspiring than seeing a creature (literally) the size of a bus swimming about twenty feet away from you, sizing you up. It was one of the coolest days of my life.
I don't have anything particularly outstanding, to be honest. Best one I can think of (for the time being) though? I went swimming.In like Huron (at which I live a block from the beach).
In the middle of the night. In Ontario...... On April 14th. Yes, there was still ice in the lake.
We were in for over 20 minutes. I have no idea how I didn't come out with hypothermia. The air was hovering just above freezing.
Me and my friends went swimming every single night after we finished work at midnight for two entire summers. However, this particular year, one of our friends took off to Lake Louise Alberta for an internship. We wanted one last good swim in the lake before she left at the start of May.
I was lucky enough to grow up a 5 minute walk from the cliffs in Goderich and took advantage of the lake, but now that I'm older, I can hardly stand swimming in the lake on even the hottest day of the summer. Too cold for me!
LOL! This is one of those questions that I see occasionally at Mahalo that I can't answer because frankly what I did was both dangerous and stupid. But it's fun to see the other answers.As far as speed, I never went over 105 mph, but what was extremely dangerous and stupid was that I did not know I was driving on almost bald tires south of Dublin, Ca on 680.
This is really lame, so PLEASE please please do not pick this as "best answer. " I went through a McDonald's drive through in a station wagon, backwards. This would have been 1985 or so, in Orlando, at what is now called "The World's Largest McDonald's" I was driving the car pool home from work and the fellow in the passenger seat wanted to stop there for a snack.
Nobody else wanted anything from McD's, so I told him I'd arrange it so he could order at the window. I entered the drive through following the usual traffic pattern, except I was in reverse. That put my buddy on the right side of the car to order, and later to pay and pickup his order.
We left the drive through, made a quick 180 and got back on the highway. Fun times.
Not really that wild and adventurous but I did a couple of things when I was in college: 1. Rapell down a waterfalls twice, first time doing the traditional way and the second time facing down. 2.
Jump down near a waterfalls not knowing how deep the water is. I am not an good swimmer by the way. 3.
Climb up a level 3 mountain (1966m) above sea level for the first time and doing climbing down after reaching the peak in a span of 36 hours straight. I love the outdoors, wish I had more opportunities when I was young.
My best friend and I (both women) walked the streets of Nuevo Laredo, alone before sunrise on Christmas morning. That's adventure. It was our last destination before driving home from a road trip that put over 6,000 miles on a brand new rent a car in 4 1/2 days.
Let me just say, the police in Nuevo Laredo are just as scary, if not more so than citizens. So, after we got back we heard the entire story about donkey shows, crime rates, etc... We really didn't know it was that bad. Here is a little quote about Nuevo Laredo -quote- Nuevo Laredo, just cross the border from the United States, has become one of the most dangerous cities in the world.
Rival drug cartels have turned the city into a war zone as they battle for control of the lucrative illegal drug market in the U.S. Gun battles in broad daylight are common, and the U.S. Consulate (search) has shut down, at least temporarily. The drug gangs have killed the city's last two police chiefs, the second of whom lasted only six hours on the job. Widespread police corruption has compounded the problem.
The entire 700-officer force was fired for corruption this summer, though many were hired back. In addition to the killings, there has been an epidemic of kidnappings. There have been over 400 in the past year, including dozens of Americans.
--end quote-- http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1458005/posts So yes, pretty wild. Photo is me sitting on a park bench in the center park at Nuevo Laredo after driving straight from Toronto.
Drove down Route 80 at 2AM with a car I just finished building and being clocked at 167MPH. I was clocked by a cop on the other side of the empty highway and on the way back was stopped doing the speed limit. The cop asked do you know why I'm stopping you and I said no I was doing the limit.
He said I clocked you going up at 167. So this was a fun Court date. The wide open exhaust was just to much of a giveaway.
This is just one of the many, many crazt things I have done.
Me and my friend hold hands and jumped up and down in the crowded subway station after an exam singing "we done that". I was 38 years old at that time. I never done such a thing while I was a teenager.
Your question is very interesting. Craziest thing I ever did was when I was in high school. In my high school I've been known as a smart and clever.
But behind it all, every test I always bring little notes that I fold and I create for easy opening and go unnoticed by teachers. The second craziest thing I ever did was I had to masturbate in the street in the morning.
The first thing that popped in my head when I read this, STREAKING. Hahaha :).
I drove my brother's mini in England from Coventry to London (3 hours) felt every stone on the road and then to top it off, it rained cats and dogs and took me 8 hours to get there. Then I decided to drive back also with sleet! Never again!
I wud really not mind saying myself a stuntmaniac my friends too call my that i'll blurt out my most wildest in range wise 1 4 mile wheelie on a kawasaki ninja for bet of $20...................age 16 2 21 times the 360deg rocky on a r1 3 this was the most scariest one for me at 16 years but I did it ....................15 m high dive into a private pool 4 cliff dived thrice at 18 for a 200$ rash......girl how cud I leave it 5 THE FINAL I DID TILL ON AGE 21......................................... my dear ginamichellesattic I did the one you are showing on the pic.................yes I jumped OFF A PLANE ,,,,,,,,,........man I go red on seeing heights but being a stuntmaniac one must push oneself to the extreme limits.......i did the para jump of windster T-90 tthats what I guess was the name of the plane....or it may be i'm not sure.............just I safe landing and 3 years of successful aviation study complete.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.