What is wrong with Britain.? BBC multiculturalist Agenda?..gone AWOL?

There are many things wrong with the UK BBC is a very liberal socialist program, a common tactic among the extreme left is to quote history, which has pretty much nothing to do with modern age, as an example from the first poster - call England a 'mongrel' nation - even though no race on earth is pure: not Wales, not Ireland and certainly not Scotland - remember this if you ever want to make a left wing argument. Multiculturalism does-not-work, many people confuse multiculturalism (like the first poster) with other things such as race, inventions and historical invasions, even though culture is NOT defined by race, inventions are NOT a culture, and historical invasions actually sought to ERADICATE culture and displace it with the invaders and of course importing foreign food and drink is also NOT multiculturalism. Mr .

Hairyman - luckily I have a dictionary on me.... "the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social, ethnic, or age group: the youth culture; the drug culture." I'll let you work it out from there. Race/ethnicity is not a culture - it is possible for ethnic groups to adopt a native culture into the one they were born in.

Inventions vary - if a beer was invented in Egypt but made in Ireland - who made it? If Fireworks were invented in China but used and made in France - is that multiculturalism? - of course not.

As for the history remark - you're telling me that things that happened hundreds or thousands of years ago should affect what decisions we make in the modern age? THAT is laughable. Mr. Hairy man, please read properly - I said hundreds OR thousands of years ago, your example was a bit irrelevant because the whole world has already been colonised/settled in.

No such thing as 'native' culture eh? By that logic there is no such thing as multiculturalism either - but even if people have their different views of what native culture is for the most part they can find key aspects they all agree on. I did not contradict myself.... you just admitted that ethnicity does not necessarily mean having a certain culture, Japanese and Chinese people have a lot in common in genetics... yet they have completely different cultures.

Then what was the bloody point in responding to my post in the first place! The word is used by liberal politicians every day.

White supremacy propaganda, the advocacy of racial purity, the preparation of public opinion for the mass expulsion of "non-indigenous" persons or, better still, mass genocide. While we are at it why don't we get ride of the Pakis, the Irish, the Jews, the Poles, the Romany, the Commies, the Trade Unionists, all the socialists, the liberals, the gays and all "do-gooders". In fact, why don't we go the whole hog and get rid rid of everyone who does not have blonde hair and blue eyes?

Addendum: Who said anything about the majority kow-towing to the minority? The idea of democracy being the "majority" imposing its will on the rest is absurd and not a reflection of reality. Others have described the system we have as a "democratic dictatorship" - the last time any single party got voted for by more than 50% of the electorate was more than half a century ago.

What would you have the BBC to push then? An Americanised political and cultural agenda like that of Fox News in the USA? Would you like the BBC to be purely the propaganda mouthpiece of the government of the day?

As we live in a democracy of sorts you are free to not watch a particular channel or pay the license fee. In the latter event you must be prepared to pay the consequences. If you feel so strongly about paying surely, as a matter of principle, you will be willing to suffer for the cause?

In any event if the BBC were funded by advertising or subscription it would still cost you one way or another. As for brainwashing of the great British public. Next time you go shopping watch what people buy.

Even in these straitened times people are more likely to buy brands that have been advertised in the media than cheaper, generic goods. But when it comes to the political crunch it might surprise you to learn that the British public are quite capable of making up their own minds. As for your link.

What are we supposed to be watching here? Every video on YouTube about mind control? Or do you believe that we are all victims of some vast conspiracy to control what we think and feel?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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