The best chocolate made in the USA is Dove chocolate...nothing compares to the rich silky decadent flavor that melts in just the right seductive lusciousness as it coats your taste buds in its smoothly perfect milk chocolate-y way. Nothing is better unless you can go to Switzerland or Belgium.
The "Shazam! " truffle from Pix Patisserie in Portland, OR.
Uhm, if it's chocolate it's good enough for me.. Well, everything except for russell stover.. I hate russell stover.. it always tastes like it's stale or something is otherwise wrong with it to me. Which, now in double checking to make sure I spelled their name right... I just found out they actually own the whitman's brand too, since 1993.. and I've never disliked whitman's. I've been eating higher-percentage chocolate chocolates lately, but I still don't discriminate against any chocolates.
I'm an equal opportunity chocoholic!
If I had my choice I would go with the Ice Cubes! I don't even know if you can buy these anymore!
My favorite chocolate is Hersheys cookie and creme bar..Mm.
Dilettante's Ephemere Truffles - the truffle is made with a special chocolate formula that provides more flavor than sweetness.
I loooooooove Reisen chocolates. Only way to eat it, in my opinion!
I'm just gonna go old school here. For me, all those fancy chocolates just don't do it.
My favorite chocolate piece candy is - twist pistachio & coffee - I brought one a box from a famous store called ALNukaly you can visit his website which have different kinds of chocolate and candies with different flavors :
Andes Mints are the BOMB!
I absolutely love the Lindor truffles. My favorite is the white chocolate, but if you're looking for actual chocolate, the milk and dark chocolate versions are still better than anything else.
Endangered Species Bug Bites. It's European-conched chocolate--luscious!
I'm kind of sad that school is going to be ending soon because it means I have to wait a few months for the kids to start coming around doing favorite chocolate is that 'World's Finest Chocolate' that they have kids peddle to raise money for sports teams and such!
Ferrero Rocher by far!.... and now I want chocolate, thanks...
No question: Ghirardelli dark chocolate squares with the mint filling.
I love cold M&Ms, Butterfinger, Baby Ruth and dark chocolate covered raisins.
Snickers, Hersheys with Almonds, Cadbury fruit and nuts bar.
I have several favorite candy bars and they are Baby Ruth, Hershys with Almonds, Peanut Chew and Almond Joy.
MARS, for sure the best there is...I eat a few every week and still love them..
The Midnight MilkyWay is my favorite chocolate candy bar.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.