My favorite Patrick Swayze movie ever was actually named "the cheesiest movie ever" in Mike Nelson's "Movie Megacheese" ROADHOUSE! YES! Roadhouse is cheezzzzzzyyyyy!But...Same Elliott is hot and perfectly cast.
Perhaps I've spent too many years as a bartender in every type of bar you can imagine and that's why I love this movie.
Point Break, co-staring Keanu Reeves.
Oh, com'on. You know which one it has to be! Right?
DIRTY DANCING! The movie oozes with Patrick's sexiness and made all of us believe we could be dancing stars, if only we were in Patrick's capable hands. The music's great, the story is fun, and the lines are totally quotable!(What more could you want for a girl's night?) As for it being the ultimate Patrick Swayze showcase, consider that not only did it show him topless, dancing, and making love (even if mostly covered up), beyond his sensual side we saw him as the ruffian and all-around bad ass.
Plus he sings. The man SINGS. This is all Swayze.
Oh, I'VE had the time of my life!
Mine is ROADHOUSE - between Patrick and Sam Elliot-HOT! But I would have to say Dirty Dancing tops the list and def. A chick-flick!
I have several Patrick Swayze movies that I enjoy watching! Soon after finding out the sad news about his cancer in January of 2008 I started catching up on a few that I had not seen yet. One of those movies is called One Last Dance (2004).
I would say after watching it 12 times or better now that it has become my favorite! You can really see the love they had toward each other, the way he looks at her just makes you melt! ; and the way they dance; along with all the other great dancers in the movie it has become one that I can't seem to keep my hands off of!
Dirty Dancing and Ghost come right after One Last Dance!
Dirty dancing , and the outsiders , I have a 15 year daughter and those are the ones she watches , my son 14 likes the outsiders , becuase of the rebel in all characters.
Definitely "North & South". It's quite a long saga, but a great choice for a girl's night because you can get completely lost in the story and it keeps going and going! There's combat, so it's intriguing, but also romance which keeps you interested in the storyline.
I think playing "North & South" would be an excellent choice for your girls night ;) You might be better off looking for this saga in a Library because there are several volumes and libraries seem more likely to carry it than video stores. Plus, you'll reduce the cost of your girl's movie night significantly! It was nominated for many Emmy's in consecutive years and won an Emmy in 1986.
I think you'll thoroughly enjoy this pick.
Patrick Swazye was a very talented movie star. I have to say my favorite is Dirty Dancing! Oh my gosh you wanna talk sexy lol.
I have to rewind the movie at the end when he turns and she runs and jumps into his arms. I LOVE IT! I even have my grandbabies knowing that movie and the day he died my 5 year old granddaughter called me and said, "Nanny, the dirty dancing guy died and he was only 52".
I think is what he was. But she knew him from the movie and she always is asking to watch it over and over again. He will be sadly missed I am sure by many.
Best is going to depend on your audience. It's very subjective. For your crowd I would recommend Dirty Dancing and Ghost.
That's about 3.5hrs of movie watching. If that's not enough movies for you, you cpould always throw in the Outsiders. Not really a chick flic, but you get young Swayze, Cruise, Maccio, Dillon, Lowe, Estevez and a bunch of others.
Guys will prefer flic's like Roadhouse, Next Of Kin and Point Break.
If its a girls night, they should love Red Dawn. LOL.
For a girls night, I would definately want to see Ghost and Dirty Dancing. Patrick Swayze was hot in those movies! S role in Ghost was great and of course Dirty Dancing shows off his talent as a dancer.
He was also pretty sexy in Roadhouse too!
I would say Dirty Dancing, of course. If you don't want to watch that, or have seen it too many times ( I don't know how that could be possible), I would suggest Point Break or Donnie Darko.
I definitely would have to say road house or ghost.
I love Point Break the best, Keeping Mum was ok too :-).
Next of Kin or Three Wishes were two of my favorites. Of course of you'd like to know EVERY movie he has ever been in here's a great site. :)
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.