The God of War series is my most favourite .... Specially god of war 2 ... the game uses most of the PS2 with amazing graphics and gameplay .. even the story or the plot is fantastic and addictive .....
The Metal Gear series. Also Resident Evil 4.
I still play Mortal Kombat Deception on PS2 from time. Mostly, I play the puzzle mode since I love any tetris like game. More often, I'll play Outlaw Golf or Outlaw Tennis on it.
Those two games are just hilarious and addictive to play whenever. Last but not least, I give Wipeout a spin when I'm in the mood for a nostalgic hovercraft driving game. That being said, I rarely get a chance to play the PS2 since my son hogs the main TV with the Wii.
My PS2- December 25, 2001- April 4, 2008. I loved my Ps2, my favorite games were Madden 04, Mlb 07, Metal Gear Solid 3 and God of War 2. I probably played each of those games 1,000 hours each.
That was before online play, so my friends had to come over to lose. I actually slowed down with my PS2 when I got a 360 for my birthday on September, 3 2007, but I never touched it after my PS3 purchase on April 4, 2008.
Yes, I do still play my PS2. My favorite is a toss up between the Metal Gear series (I played completely through Metal Gear Solid and won on every difficulty level) and the Grand Theft Auto series. I liked the 1980's feel and atmosphere of Vice City, but I must say that San Andreas was a much more advanced game and had better play.
Metal Gear was a one-of-a-kind game when it first came out, making stealth more important than coming out with guns a blazing. When Metal Gear: Sons of Liberty came out, it had to be THE most state-of-the-art game ever! Never before had I seen a game so detailed.It was so detailed you could shoot the ice bucket in the kitchen and sit and watch the ice melt.
It was amazing to me at the time. I also liked the Need For Speed series, but only after they began the street racing type games like Carbon. The original Need For Speed games where you just race around predetermined routes and you win or lose was rather boring.
Once they opened up the environment for exploration, it became a lot more fun.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.