You were right when you brought beer. Bring some more. But make it Halloween seasonal beer(s).
For example, there are a number of American microbreweries that produce a Pumpkin ale this time of year.
The best gifts you can bring for a hostess is a nice gift basket you can make or buy premade form any number of places and stores. Something like a relaxing bath set, for use after the party is done, or maybe a gift basket of nice fall themed items like candles and other decorative items she might could use. You could even get the hostess a nice coupon book for her favorite store as well.
But mostly whatever you choose, make sure you take into account what the hostess likes and needs.
This is nutty, but I take plastic gloves, fill them with water and freeze them. I dye my hair, and those gloves in the dye kit are perfect. Now you have frozen hands.
Put them in a large bowl, palms up, and bring orange jello shooters. Depends on if you drink or not, but peach schnapps jello shooters are to DIE for! Perfect for Halloween.
Here's a basic Jello Shooter recipe, source cited below: Orange Jello Shots 6 ounces Orange Jello (large package) 16 ounces Water (boiling) 6 ounces Water (cold) 10 ounces Peach Schnapps or Booze of Choice Mix the jello mix with the boiling water until the powder is fully dissolved and add the cold water and alcohol. Pour the cooling mixture into either shot glasses or paper cups. Shot glasses are more attractive, but drinker can turn the paper cups inside-out to more easily eat the alcoholic jello.
How about a beautifully crafted serving platter made from recycled bottles by Kevin Budde. You can send him your own bottle + label to make it personal and he'll add it for you. It costs $38.... Have a look at it here:
I think finding a fun Halloween platter or candy dish, or perhaps something just autumn themed so it's not specific to Halloween. In the past, when we have hosted large Halloween or Thanksgiving parties, I've found that my major problem is finding enough serving dishes for the many things we want to serve. Buying something nice for the hostess in the form of a reuseable gift is likely to win you big points and make sure that your thoughtfulness is recalled year after year.
1. Toothbrushes and toothpaste. 2.
A nice gift certificate to a spa. 3. Gift certificate to an nice restaurant.4.
Find out if she has any charities you can donate to in her honor. 5. Tell her you will babysit one night so she can have an evening off.6.
Tickets to the movies or musical.7. A nicely written letter or card with carefully crafted thoughts of appreciation.
Wrap bottles or jars of flavored oils, herbs, and spices with netting to create a spiderweb effect. Create fun hang tag labels with sayings like "Witch's Brew" or "Eye of Newt" and fasten these to the tops of the bottles. Place the magic potion collection into a plastic cauldron or harvest basket and attach an orange bow.
You should bring a candy dish or tray where she could put all the food that all the other people bring.
I would create, or buy, a lovely dried flower arrangement that isn't necessarily Halloween-y, but has lovely fall colors and foliage, maybe some of those cute decorative gourds, that will still be useful after Halloween is over. She would be able to use this thoughtful gift through the fall and as part of her Thanksgiving decor then put it away until next year, so your gift will be appreciated for a long time.
Quote- When you take wine, or receive it, as a hostess gift, do you expect it to be shared at that particular gathering or do you think it's ... If it's a gift I think she should save it for later. ... Halloween Party ideas needed Please post any craft. -endquote.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.