What makes Christianity better than Islam?

Christianity's days of Inquisition and torture are mostly history. Not true for Islam. Mainly because Christianity is 600 years older than Islam...

It's not the reasons for 'better' that need to be considered, but the reasons for truth as opposed to lies. Both religions claim that the other is telling lies, in certain respects. And it is unarguably true that each faith system negates the other.

They both cannot be ultimately true! So the choice needs to be made on truth-claims. Let me give one example of the problem a Christian like myself has in accepting Muslim truth claims.

There are only 25 verses in the entire Qur’an that deal with Jesus (though a great deal more speak about Mary.) In Sura 4 verse 157 it says that Jesus was not crucified; another was crucified in his place. That completely contradicts what the much earlier New Testament gospels say about Jesus, and him being the light of the world. The Bible book of Hebrews also states that Jesus is the culmination of all the prophets, and if you read chapter 1, you would soon see why Christians cannot accept Qur’anic statements about Jesus.

Muslims have been told that the Bible has been corrupted, so they dismiss the Bible whenever it contradicts the Qur’an. This frees them up to accept what little the Qur'an says about Jesus, and to dismiss Christianity as (basically) a lie. The link explores that.

Simply on the basis of truth claims about Jesus, I see the Bible as accurate and truthful, whilst the Qur'an is a negation of what the Bible says about Jesus. But the Jesus of the Bible so loved us sinners, he died for them, then arose in triumph from the grave as proof that he truly is the sinless Son of God - which the Muslims deny. Jesus' tomb is empty, whilst Muhammed's bones still lie in his grave.

A risen saviour is better than a dead prophet.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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