I want fairies. But the original panty-wearing, jealous, possessive kind.
Elves. I would love to go spend time with the Fae. (note.. elves are a type of Fae I'd actually prefer the existence of all Fae kind.. but that's more than one creature lol)\
Unicorns and faeries. I love thinking of them playing together in the forest.
A unicorn. I love unicorns and I have quite a collection of them.
One of the mythical creatures I was always amazed by is the dragon. With its fire-spitting and flying abilities, the dragon is one of the more fearsome but at the same time beauty-possessing and awe-inspiring fantasy creatures. When I was younger I always wondered whether there could be any possibility that dragons might have been real once upon a time.
But like the unicorn, although there could have been evolutionary occurrences that caused these creatures to change their physical traits or become extinct (due to environmental conditions), the dragon is likely only the product of someone’s vivid imagination. Still, to this day, I enjoy watching a great dragon movie and needless to say, my own children are just as awe-struck by this amazingly complex creatures, as I had been at their ages.
God. That would be truly awesome, make my life a lot easier, and make billions of people not seem so crazy. The only thing that could beat that that would be a genie that could turn me into a God.
It would be lovely if Tolkien's elves do exist. They are strong, immortal, beautiful, and wise. They certainly have long, complicated and interesting stories compared to a lot of mythical creature.
I always admire their "history". They also seem more real and have more personality. They can help preserve the nature with their power.
Or they can also battle human beings to preserve the nature and forests. Lol.
A genie who would grant me three good wishes.
It would be awesome if The Loch Ness Monster actually existed! Heh! It would be something to see all the nay sayers having to admit they were wrong all along, and a dinosaur actually has survived in Loch Ness all this time.
I don't know if passing endangered species acts would protect it better than it already does at protecting itself, though.
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Subscribe to our channel: http://goo.gl/9CwQhg-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Description:We all grew up with Fantastical stories and folklore, only to discover the real world isn’t as exciting and monsters are not real. Let’s give our skepticism a dose of reality and take a look at supposedly mythical creatures that actually existed, or that have had real world equivalents. If you are a fan of the X-Files, much as I was and still am (geek moment!), you either loved or hated the Monster of the Week episodes.
Some of them were interesting while others were just dull. You would never think that there really does exist a Chupacabra (one of my favorite episodes) that drains the blood of your livestock!
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.