ImTOO Blu-ray to iPad Converter is your perfect solution to convert Blu-ray movies in M2TS format to iPad videos in H.264 HD, H.264 or MPEG-4 format, as well as rip Blu-ray soundtracks to iPad music in AAC, M4A or MP3 format. Now you can put and enjoy your favorite Blu-ray movies and soundtracks on your iPad at your convenience. Using this powerful Blu-ray to iPad converter, you can also clip movie segments, crop movie image frames, merge and split videos, attach your own picture or text label, and apply artistic effects to your movie prior to conversion.
ImTOO Blu-ray to iPad Converter can also help you customize your iPad video output with various adjustable parameters available. Coupon Code: tjz8455880 15% off for all ImTOO products.
ImTOO Blu-ray to iPad Converter is your perfect solution to convert Blu-ray movies in M2TS format to iPad videos in H.264 HD, H.264 or MPEG-4 format, as well as rip Blu-ray soundtracks to iPad music in AAC, M4A or MP3 format. Now you can put and enjoy your favorite Blu-ray movies and soundtracks on your iPad at your convenience. Using this powerful Blu-ray to iPad converter, you can also clip movie segments, crop movie image frames, merge and split videos, attach your own picture or text label, and apply artistic effects to your movie prior to conversion.
ImTOO Blu-ray to iPad Converter can also help you customize your iPad video output with various adjustable parameters available. ImTOO Blu-ray to iPad Converter is your perfect solution to convert Blu-ray movies in M2TS format to iPad videos in H.264 HD, H.264 or MPEG-4 format, as well as rip Blu-ray soundtracks to iPad music in AAC, M4A or MP3 format. Now you can put and enjoy your favorite Blu-ray movies and soundtracks on your iPad at your convenience.
Using this powerful Blu-ray to iPad converter, you can also clip movie segments, crop movie image frames, merge and split videos, attach your own picture or text label, and apply artistic effects to your movie prior to conversion. ImTOO Blu-ray to iPad Converter can also help you customize your iPad video output with various adjustable parameters available.
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