I'm a brawny guy that turns into a flailing girl whenever it comes to spiders--and I'm unashamed about it, too!
Snakes. I've always been terrified of them. Even the littlest garden snakes make me run.
When I see one on TV it gives me the shivers and have to turn my head away.
What frightens me the most is the power of addiction and the devastation caused to families when it rears it's ugly head..
I too am scared of clowns. When I was younger my parents used to buy me these creepy china clown ornaments for my room, as soon as I got my own place I left the box of clowns in my parents loft, where they will stay for all eternity lol. The freakiest clown has to be Ronald Mcdonald, why Mcdonalds ever thought he was a good advert for kids I will never know!
My biggest fear is being in a car accident that I can't get out of the car and I end up dieing in the accident. I have very vivid dreams of this happening.
Government of, by, and for the politicians and bureaucrats.
Of course, some of those folks are clowns, too, so....
Another spider-hater here. They make me scream like a little girl.
I guess the way I will die. I am frightened of intense pain.
The thing that scares me most is the fact that I know that there are people out there who actually delight in hurting others - and they have no specific profile, so you may never see them coming.
My brother is a sheriff's deputy in a major city, and he tells me that at any time the police are well aware that there are serial killers (unbeknownst to the general public) working in their jurisdiction every day.
You have posted a very nice question. I am scared of big dogs. I was bitten when I was younger.
I still cant get over the fear. I wish I could because I would like to get a puppy in the future. It is hard to get over the fear.
I was in the hospital for few days.
Aside from the obvious, losing any one of my family members, I am deathly afraid of being destitute with no where to go and no way to help myself.
But...I hear on the clown issue--who ever thought a clown would be a fun thing for a kid--they are CREEPY!
Death no but I'm scared about the way I'll die. I wish to die a peaceful death.
I am scared of deep water. If I can't touch the bottom, I don't want anything to do with it, especially, if it is lake, ocean or river water.
I have a real fear of moths. I hate their papery wings and the way they fly at you. I am terrified of them and have to get my partner to check everywhere in the house before I can go to sleep.
I am really afraid of snake. Had an experience with a snake when I was young. Just don't like them.
Till now, I think that the most frightening thing in life is to lose my girl who I love. How knows what may come in the coming days? :D.
To end up in vegetative state.(preferably due to brain injury/disease).
Right now, I'm not scared of anything natural, physical or supernatural coz I got God on my side.
However, I am terrified of dissapointing God! If I do, that's hell all the way and that should lead to developing other fears, like death, how i'll die, poverty, pain, heartbreak, etc.
Snakes scare me tremendously. However, the thing that scares me the most is the thought of outliving my money and becoming destitute at an old age.
Ignorance in general. People and countries who seem to think that laws, do not apply to them. Or, that they are above it.
Corruption and vice.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.