There are two ways to straighten the hair from home. You can straighten the hair with just a blow dryer or with a hot iron. I will explain both ways.To straighten your hair with a blow dryer you will shampoo and condition the hair.
Towel dry and apply a hair serum to the hair. Run it through the hair evenly. You can buy hair serum at most retailers or anywhere they sell hair products.
Now you want to pull just a small section of hair down and clip the rest up at the top of the head, to get it out of the way. You will use a round brush and follow with the blow dryer. You are pulling slowly from root to end.
Do not move to the next section until you completely dry the hair. When done, take another small section down and repeat. When done run the hair serum through the hair to smooth the hair.
To straighten the hair with a flat iron, shampoo and condition, then towel dry. Apply the serum and blow dry, as you normally would. You will now pull just s small section of hair down and use the flat iron to straighten.
Always start from the bottom and go up. When done apply more serum to seal. The key is take your time and do a small section at a time.
If you do so, you will have perfectly straight hair.
There are two ways to straighten the hair from home. You can straighten the hair with just a blow dryer or with a hot iron. I will explain both ways.
To straighten your hair with a blow dryer you will shampoo and condition the hair. Towel dry and apply a hair serum to the hair. Run it through the hair evenly.
You can buy hair serum at most retailers or anywhere they sell hair products. Now you want to pull just a small section of hair down and clip the rest up at the top of the head, to get it out of the way. You will use a round brush and follow with the blow dryer.
You are pulling slowly from root to end. Do not move to the next section until you completely dry the hair. When done, take another small section down and repeat.
When done run the hair serum through the hair to smooth the hair. To straighten the hair with a flat iron, shampoo and condition, then towel dry. Apply the serum and blow dry, as you normally would.
You will now pull just s small section of hair down and use the flat iron to straighten. Always start from the bottom and go up. When done apply more serum to seal.
The key is take your time and do a small section at a time. If you do so, you will have perfectly straight hair.
To straighten your hair at home, there are two ways to achieve the look. The first option is to straighten your hair with just a blow dryer and a round brush. You will also need a good hair serum, I like Rusk Sea Kelp Serum.
Towel dry hair, after you shampoo and condition. Next, apply a small amount of hair serum. Pull just a small section of hair down and blow dry with the brush allowing the blow dryer to follow.
Dry completely and pull another small section down. Do the same until you have dried all of your hair. Start from the bottom of the hair and move up.
When done, apply more serum to seal the ends and give you a frizz free look. The second option you will need a flat iron. Blow dry the hair normally and then apply the serum.
Again start from the bottom and do small section by small section with the flat iron. When done, apply more hair serum. The key is taking your time and only doing a small section at a time.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.